I'm surrounded by people I love and by people I can tolerate. I'm proud of many things in my life and know there are many other things I have yet to see. One of the many things about me is I get tired of people REAL quick. I don't have an issue with saying 'GOOD BYE' to those that don't make an effort with keeping a friendship with me, and if you just happen to be that person don't take it personal when i'm just DONE with you. I am a complete goofball and like to have mad sorts of fun, but I'm also not afraid of any bitch or asshole and I wont hesitate to beat your ass. OH! ONE MORE THING. DO NOT TRY TO ADD ME WITHOUT SENDING ME A MESSAGE FIRST. I'M NOT ON MYSPACE TO BE ANOTHER NUMBER ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST. THIS INCLUDES THE BANDS TOO! Enjoy!
Courtesy of Dj Alex Dreamz