Julius profile picture


Dr. Julius Love TV Show

About Me

Made in Hungary - Born in the USA

Grew up in New York City Manhattan East 76th Street

Lived in Queens & Brooklyn

Loves swimming football waterskiing water parks skiing and jumping off high cliffs into ice cold spring water at Mountain Creek in Vernon Valley, NJ
body surfing, producing videos and wrestling Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) style.

Plays jazz piano, performs hilarious close-up magical illusions, and cooks gourmet international Hungarian cuisine for special friends.

Feel free to contact.

My Interests

Piano, keyboards, composing music.

Body surfing in dangerous shark-infested waters.

Swimming in lagoons with barracudas & encountering large stingray suckrats, and diving off cliffs.

Hunting for conch.

Coral reef scuba diving and sunken treasure exploration.

I'd like to meet:

Good cooks.

Anyhow, although I prefer women with long legs, meeting a mermaid would fascinate me, too.

Feminine cuteness, intelligence, and funniness wouldn't hurt.

Someone ambitious and motivated.

I know you can no longer access this full length video.Please write to:KASZU RAPif you want to see this full video . . .


Da Flavor Csalad - Ez a Csaladom

Elso Emelet - Dadagos Break

So What

Take Five

Maiden Voyage

Bright Moments

A Night in Tunisia

Jazz, classical, and rock.

Playing original tunes and improvising on the keyboards.




Age 21+ Female VIDEO MODELS & actresses wanted


Do you have an interest in exploring video modeling and acting career growth and advancement opportunities in Orlando?

Over the next several months we'll be shooting many short humorous, promotional videos.

Although these are nonpaid gigs, models who work well with us will have many more opportunities and priority consideration for future paid gigs.

We are especially interested in speaking with people who have funny, creative ideas for our future projects!


YouTube.com/jcsizmaziaYouTube.com/fetchvidWatchnVideos.comFe tchThatSite.comSeekRequest.comExpertSearcher.netBlogTV.com

Operator11.comUFC on Spike TV.


The "Know it All" guide to Hungarian Cooking by Dr. Love

