Hello , if you are reading this than im assumeing that most of you all ready know me and than you know my story, about where I have been and how I got to where I am at today. I am convinced that everything that happens in life is for a reason and things may seem to take for ever to come to pass but we go thru slow changes and rough times and good times and living thru it all one day at time is a process that we are ment to go thru , and everything happens for a reason and the major lesson in life is patience. we have to be patient if we want the end results of our different chapters in our stories to be for the good, when things are rushed we may miss the important stuff along the way, now with that said , let me also say that this was eaiser to say than what it is to do, and im not the gretest with practicing what I preach, this realiztion is just recent for me and im working on this new way of thinking, and learning patientce, im also learning to trust my selfe, and go with my heart in many things in my life, I have for so long went with what I thought everyone ealse expected, and have just been content with life, after having WLS and going down in weight and regaining my health, and a better scence of well being, more energy and a lot more confindence I have also decided to follow my heart more and my instincts and not what I think will please others as much, but at the same time keep some scecne of recpect for others as well.