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Preservation Ohio

About Me

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Preservation Ohio is Ohio's statewide historic preservation organization. Established over 26 years ago, Preservation Ohio stands for the idea that Ohio's past can be an enriching part of the state's future - both for quality of life and for economic development.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We're always looking to meet individuals with an interest in Ohio history, including the historic architecture of the Buckeye State. Drop us an e-mail at: [email protected]... we've always in need of volunteers and support!

Below are the latest stories from our blog, MyHometownOhio -- click on the title for the complete story.

My Blog

Our Blog - MyHometownOhio

MyHometownOhio is America's most popular statewide preservation and revitalization blog, and includes regularly updated news and views from all corners of the state.  Some of our current stories ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:19:00 GMT