Obe Wan Ken-Obe profile picture

Obe Wan Ken-Obe

I am here for Networking

About Me

found this guys layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com =100" / ..
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Ali
Birthplace:: Phila Pa
Current Location:: Philly
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Jet Black
Height:: 6'3
Your webpage:: N/a
Are you taken?: Negative
Are you a virgin?: Hell No I been doin this since I was 2 LoL
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: No pets
What's your job?: Ima Barber
What's your Dream Job?: Being a sports agent
Who is your best friend?: I don't have best friends
What instruments do you play?: Big boobs sike thats not instrument i dont play
What are your hobbies?: Basketball,staying fresh,cuttn hair,gettn money
What are your goals?: being as rich as I can get
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Are u serious
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: The Qur'an
How would do describe yourself?: Very smooth and layed back
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: Jenna 6
What do you daydream about?: flying in a Benz
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: That there is none worthy of worship but Allah
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: I dont know
Two:: I would change nothing
Three:: Wait I would change my hundreds into 50's ha ha
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: very outgoing
Spender or Saver?: Both
Truth or Dare?: Truth-Im really 19
Books or Movies?: American gangster I really fucks wit dat
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: Action allday
Cats or Dogs?: Dog
Mountain or Beach?: Beach
Sweet or Salty?: this sound gay no answer
Do You...
Smoke?: I might if I want to have fun
Drink?: naa not my style
Get annoyed easily?: not really
Like to travel?: All the time
Like to drive fast?: safe driver
Sing well?: dont sing
Want kids?: in the future
-----What would you name a boy?: Sabbir al saddiq
-----What would you name a girl?: no name yet
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: yeah I had did a fashion show at the cebu
Been in a car accident?: nope
Been out of the country? Where?: not yet
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: the dynasty that was a minute ago
The last movie you saw in the theater?: Spiderman 3
The last movie you rented?: people under the stairs
Your greatest fear?: fearing Allah
Your greatest strength?: knowing my deen
Your greatest weakness?: Women
Your happiest memory?: When I graduated Highschool and I got 1000 dollars
Your Favorite...
Movie:: Training Day
TV Show:: Martin
Actor:: Denzel Washington
Actress:: Taquila
Food:: pizza
Drink:: Root beer
Color:: Blue
Scent:: a womens smell
Season & WHY:: Winter cause thats when u show em how to dress
Day of the week & WHY:: Friday jomuah mumbarak
Store:: The Net
Quote:: Love me or hate me,Its one or thee other..
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: Don't agree
Homosexuality:: I hate that shit
God:: Allah
Jesus:: servant of allah
Satan:: stay far away
Heaven:: cant wait to make it inshallah
Hell:: dont want to make it there
Miracles:: i dont know
Astrology:: I dont know
War:: we should stop the war
Ghosts:: dont believe in ghost
Reincarnation:: i
Karma:: Is a bitch
Luck:: i dont believe in luck
Aliens:: dont exist
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