Sam Enthoven. You heard of him? No? GOOD. You heard of a book called The Black Tattoo? No? GOOD. I don't know how that whey-faced glasses-wearing little blood-sack managed to find out so much about us demons, but when I catch up with him - YOU READING THIS, ENTHOVEN? - I tell you, he's gonna regret it. He must think he's pretty sharp, blabbing Hell's secrets over half your planet. He must feel pretty pleased with himself, oh yeah, with his looking all gooey and tentacley an' stuff. Well, we'll just see how he feels when I pick him up by the [CENSORED], wrap my suckers round his [CENSORED], and [CENSORED] his [CENSORED] until the snilgs run out of his phlorklocks. Not so clever then, I'll bet. URP. 'Scuse me.