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Yoda- "luminous being are we, not this crude matter."
Yoda-"Do, or do not, there is no try."
Luke- "I don't believe it!"
Yoda- "And that, is why you failed."

If you know me, than you already know who I am...Just accept me as just chris...
Loyalty, commitment, devotion and honor....are no longer rewarded....Instead, the world chooses to beat it down, abuse it, punish it....and abandon it...

What is wrong with caring for other people more than yourself? I learned one thing- don't continue helping those who will not help themselves, you will only waste your time, and they may drag you down. There is a philosophy I have heard, that I believe is complete bullshit- If you do not love yourself, you cannot love others. What about those who love others more than themselves? It is so easy to criticize those you do not understand and at the same token, it is very unwise. Those who love others more than themselves, have a initiative to do the right thing out of the purity of heart. If that is not worthy to be loved than fuck off- I don't want to be apart of such a world.

Lone Wolf-
I do not like to do what others do. I do not like to be caught up in group drama, little lone my own. I work at my own pace. I do what I feel is right. I will not follow others unless I can benefit. I feel different from others, because I do not think like most people. I stray away from the pack to keep myself from getting hurt. There are very few in this world that I stay close too. I know so many and barely know them at all. I have a complex mind, but I try to keep my life simple. I think society is bullshit, I think humanity is bullshit. Religion and government is a croc! I breathe to live and live to breathe. I cannot stand the fact that I am tied to humanity's simple animalistic necessity's- sustainance, bodily waste removal, and reproduction, in basic english- having to eat, taking a shit and sex- fuck all that! I would rather not have any part of it but I am stuck with it in the menatime like everyone else, and like everyone else, I am built to desire these neccessities. You still don't understand? Thats OK- I understand, and that is all that is important to me in all of my arrogance. If you criticize me for all these things, well- than you know why I am lone wolf.

What is, is what is now,
What was, is what is how.
I thought there was only 3,
But when I looked closer, 3 became 5.
As you, and me, we are all alive, adding it to 3.
Look closer, and connect the dots,
Forget what you read, and put yourself ahead.

Do you ever wonder who, what, when, where, why and how? Really, it is just a waste of time. Indeed, many of us ponder such things, and we seem to fall short of trying to find out all of these. Just when you thought you knew everything, you don't know shit. All that I am trying to do, is thoughtfully affect your way of thinking.

Long ago, in the days of my childhood, I was not quite the studious child. I was placed in a group of children that needed thier reading skills tuned. Dot to dots were the major projects we were given. The other children were taught to read. Needless to say, I felt segrated, and stupid, and second class to the school system. For years to come, I felt disdain. I never did well in school because, I felt, "What is the point? I am stupid anyways. I will try just to set myself up for failure, and feel even worse about myself." One day, as I was venturing into the unknown, looking for the answers that no one had, I came to a conclusion of what my mind was built of. While the other children were reading, they were being told what to think. The rest of the kids were being taught dot-to-dots, we were being taught how to think. The most successful people in this world, don't do what others do. They strayed away from being tought what to think, and looked to the alternative of how to think. I no longer feel the disdain for I felt for years towards the school system, and myself.

Why all the bullshit with the paranormal, the unknown and such?
These things go back to interests I have had since a child. I was brought up on Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers and Star Trek from the craddle.I have studied UFOlogy since I was 11. My grandmother was my biggest inspiration. She was a unique woman that had many gifts mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She was before and ahead of her time. I talked to her one night when I slept over. She was reading Communion, and I saw the picture of the Gray alien on the cover. I asked, "Grandma, what is that?" "An alien," she replied. "One from space?" I asked, "Perhaps." She said, "Nobody is really sure where they are from Christopher. Maybe space, another dimension, maybe they are us from the future." My grandmother and I had so many conversations about time and space, UFOs and aliens, astral travel and psychic powers, ghosts and all kinds of supernatural and unexplained phenomenon and shit. My grandmother was my ultimate inspiration for these ideals. I hope that the Maker has helped her find her and my grandfather find their place in the stars.

Now- enough of this bullshit! ...If you want to know me more, than read my blogs...or better me...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Positive and negative forces drive magnetic relationships. Each exists in peace, but also fights for control over balance. This matter is only 3rd dimensional related though.

Dennis Kucinich
Erik Von Daniken
Geroge Lucas
I am looking for any of my old cronies out there, and some new cronies....

Sending Your Friend Request: If you already know me, I can figure that out. If you don't know me, than you are trying to make a new friend by sending me a request- right? Unfortunately, here on Myspace, there is so many unscrupulous individuals out there with ill intent. If you approach someone at a bar, do you just expect them to be your friend as a given, without saying a word? Just because of the way you act, the way you look perhaps? Do you get it yet? My time is valuable, and I have no time for friend requests that may wreck havoc on my page, and I am no longer going to try to figure out who is real, and who is not- figure out what to do new friend. Figure it out...
I love women! However, most women think of men as a convenience, as men think of women as objects. Go look at my art, and read the captions if you want to understand. I write blogs about these things too- understanding the logic of basic gender through negative and positive co-existance. Always remember though- it is just flesh, and the flesh is bullshit. The spirit does not follow the exact same rules. I would like to find someone that understands the ideals of the symbiotic.
If you do not understand this, then please sweetie, be my little fuck puppet and then be gone with you- LOL!

Sorry for breathing fire up your ass, its just my raw sense of humor.

.......We are not here for the world too serve us, we are here to serve it,.........

.........and so we shall,.................

..........until we fade away.............. the end...................

My Blog

Economic Crash- What do we do?

As you may all know, things here in the United States are not exactly at the pinwale of economic prosperity. Foreclosures are on the rise, housing sales are way down, jobs are being pounded out of exi...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 16:08:00 GMT


I am revising this....
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 01:13:00 GMT


Pedestals Here I am again, you have put me on your pedestal. You have your conditions, and requirements, And it seems many of them I have met. How conditional this is I bet.   You have made me y...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 14:55:00 GMT


I would like to introduce you too my blog- WHAT IF? I have designed WHAT IF? For many purposes for anaylitcal thinking of various purposes. Purposes covering conspiracy, politics, phnomenon and many...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:58:00 GMT

PARAMORMAL- Knowing the Substantial from Bullshit!

"In this world, you have believers and non-believers, skeptics and extremists.""Be a believer, but not a fool. Don't give into everything your told, or everything you see. This is the 21st century, an...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 21:37:00 GMT


UNIVERSAL HEALTH CAREChristopher's Stand Point: Democrat/LiberalI have an idea for Single Payer Health Care fundraising--What if, we all paid $200 per person, $100 per child, out of our tax returns fo...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 14:19:00 GMT

Dennis Kucinich- the New Choice for US- The U.S.

Dennis KucinichThis is a great man, with great ideas for our country, and our world. He is one of us, and even as a child, he has had it worse than many of us. That is a real person, who knows where t...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 17:47:00 GMT


Welcome friends and readers too my philoophies blog. I developed this too teach you all the meanings of life I have learned through 30 years in the making. Wisdom can only be obtained through tri...
Posted by on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:09:00 GMT


LADIES- RETURN TO YOUR INNOCENCE Hello ladies. Did you about read why I collect toys? If not, read that first, before you read this. If you did, I have this message to tell you. I started this toy sel...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 21:26:00 GMT

What started me selling toys?

Many of you have read about me must know that I sell Ninja Turtles, Star Wars and the like on ebay. On the average during the best sales months on ebay, the fall, winter and early spring, I gross roug...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 19:42:00 GMT