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I am Soulless

I am here for Networking

About Me

My Interests

Music, pirates, supernatural, technology, conspiracies, banksy, skating, documentaries, mashups comic books, snes rpgs, eastern culture, animals, nature, ecology(the environment), health, Mixed Martial Arts(MMA), Jiu jitsu, Muay Thai

I'd like to meet:

A chick that'll do this at our wedding.
Best First Dance at a Wedding - Watch more free videos


Anything that rocks.


Blood in Blood out, Better off dead , Revenge of the nerds, Quadrophenia, Green Street Hooligans, Vampire/Zombie/Werewolve movies, Grease , The Rocky Trilogy, The Star Wars Triology(yeah, I'm a nerd, so what), The Host, Wristcutters: A love story


The Giver, The long hard road out of hell, The simpsons and philosophy


"Quit honestly, most women bore me. You know, if they smoke, I'm turned off. If they drink, I'm outta there. If their stupid, I'm bored. If their mean, I'm bored. If their trying to use me, I'm outta there. So I guess I'm very picky. If they don't work out, I'm not interested. If their mind is lazy, and their body is lazy who cares. If their not in shape, hey, go be fat on someone elses time." - Henry Rollins

...and Harley from the Cro-Mags cause he trains with Renzo Gracie, and sported a Ryan Gracie shirt in American Hardcore

My Blog

Weight Loss

People always seem to come to me, asking why their gaining weight, and how they can lose it. I can usually get to the bottom of it from analyzing their diets. Although some people DO in fact eat like ...
Posted by I am Soulless on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:59:00 PST

Happy Ending

We'll if you didn't know, friday was an interesting day. While driving along temple, during the wee hours of the night, we passed a car with its emergency lights on. It looked as if it had stopped for...
Posted by I am Soulless on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:56:00 PST

A lack of oxygen

I've decided to try to learn some of the traditional Andean instruments I have lying around the house. Working with a zampana and a quena are wind instruments, which I am completely unfimiliar with. N...
Posted by I am Soulless on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:13:00 PST

abba zabba

This past week was a wonderful week because I hung out with Desiree and Steph and they are badass bitches. Happy Desiree?
Posted by I am Soulless on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 06:33:00 PST

Wonderful Week

I gotta admit, this past week has been damn pretty good.Last Sunday - Played in hemet with GTS. The promoter loved us. We got offered to open up for Pennywise at the Inland Grind Fest. Hopefully we'll...
Posted by I am Soulless on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:28:00 PST

Always interesting seeing these results

Let's see who REALLY knows me...Lets see the funny crap u people come up with! YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if u dont have any idea what they are and send it back to ME. But first post a blank...
Posted by I am Soulless on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:17:00 PST

Lifes looking up

I can say this has really been a great week(with the slight acception of BJ Penn losing to Matt Hughes due to his seperated ribs). Anyone wanna guess the highlight? No, it wasn't Self Defect playing a...
Posted by I am Soulless on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:12:00 PST

Pride FC conference 8-19...I WAS THERE!!!

Daaaammmnnnnn. IT WAS AWESOME!!! Me, Ryan, and Frank were in the very front. First to come out was Vitor Belfort, then Phil Baroni, Josh Barnett, and Mauricio "Shogun" Rua. They were basically talking...
Posted by I am Soulless on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:39:00 PST

Ho's in every areacode, right?

Hahaha George, you right. I'm not down. I'm also not a lame like you....and to the rest of you, I got bored of livejournal cause the only people that comment me are Doreen and George. I'm back to the ...
Posted by I am Soulless on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 12:47:00 PST