the wilderness, longboarding, porches, bloodstains, suspension lifts, van's sk8-er hi-tops, ice cream
chris mc candless. grant hadwin. randy morgenson
alabama. the misfits.unbroken. drag the river. johny cash. the murder city devils. modern life is war. stay gold. the handsome family. jesus eater. sepultura. goatwhore. dissection. ralph stanley. fade away jumper. champion. blue monday. avail. my morning jacket. tim barry. rumbleseat. hot water music. the draft. alkaline trio.dag nasty. the descendants. bad religion. hank williams 1 and 2..and sometimes 3
vietnam war movies, horror movies, wildlife/wilderness survival documentaries
television scares me
"i heard the owl call my name"..margaret craven..."into the wild"...john krakauer.."the last season" eric blehm
my grandpa..