3 natural 6's (younger jaywood) profile picture

3 natural 6's (younger jaywood)

close the blinds id rather hide

About Me

i age well..im straight edge..i dont eat meat or vegetables...and im fucking sweet...yeah

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

the wilderness, longboarding, porches, bloodstains, suspension lifts, van's sk8-er hi-tops, ice cream

I'd like to meet:

chris mc candless. grant hadwin. randy morgenson


alabama. the misfits.unbroken. drag the river. johny cash. the murder city devils. modern life is war. stay gold. the handsome family. jesus eater. sepultura. goatwhore. dissection. ralph stanley. fade away jumper. champion. blue monday. avail. my morning jacket. tim barry. rumbleseat. hot water music. the draft. alkaline trio.dag nasty. the descendants. bad religion. hank williams 1 and 2..and sometimes 3


vietnam war movies, horror movies, wildlife/wilderness survival documentaries


television scares me


"i heard the owl call my name"..margaret craven..."into the wild"...john krakauer.."the last season" eric blehm


my grandpa..

My Blog

I wish i was 12 again

Always thinking back, reminisce the arguments, the innocent days grew cold, they allways do, stay gold, Ill see you soon, theyve gone but not for long, this is my ode...to the kids who fought side by...
Posted by 3 natural 6's (younger jaywood) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST