Well, my stupid Mom finally figured out the username to my page. I figure, since I have to share EVERYTHING else with my brother...I'll share my silly little page with him. I'll tell his story because he's a spaz and would end up writing 'k;jhgfdasigw ooiworg 'iage kl'agfdl;io'...he's just like that.
To start off, I'm a Box. that's what my parents call me. I'm about 7 years old and I'm neutered. So if you are one of the 9 out of 10 IDIOTS that say "wanna' breed yur' dog wif' my female"...not interested.
My parents got me from The Watauga County Animal Control 3/15/04. They were really nice and tried to help me but they didn't know that I had a broken pelvis. Mom & Dad had x-rays done on me. When my folks found out it was a really crappy day. Long story short, My Mom worked really hard to raise enough money for my surgery and I'm as good as new now!
I got some lumps 2 years ago and went 'under the knife'. The Doctors call and told us it was cancer...another crappy day. Since then I have had 5 removed and we are all thinking 'good thoughts' that they got it all that last time.
Soooooooo, on 8/27/07 Mom & Dad went to the Rowan County Animal Control to 'visit' a little guy. When they went in to meet him, he was laying there by himself. He didn't even get up to greet them!They separated him from the other dogs because they all ganged up and attacked him. He was so beat up and sad :(
they brought him out to make sure he wasn't going to attack me (like some other dog whose name will remain anonymous). Daddy said 'It's OK with me, if it's OK with you'. I knew what that meant...I WAS GETTING A BROTHER!
He was SO sad when he got home that he would go sit in a corner by himself and stare off into space. That first night when he finally fell asleep, he howled in his sleep...it was one of the saddest sounds that I have heard.
Well, that's ALL changed. He WAGS HIS TAIL in his sleep now and is about the happiest guy you will meet.
We are the best of friends and his puppyish playfulness has even helped me loose weight! That's right ...I'm not fat anymore!
So, His name is Jessie and he is a Boxer/Boston Terrier and he's what they call a 'reverse brindle', he's only about 1 1/2 Years Old and, you guessed it, NEUTERED.
We will both pee on your feet.