happy+no sad - melawak - laugh - berangan - misi+visi - futsal - warna hijau+biru+merah - setia liverpool - game - chatting - window shopping - tido - SmS - create design - money - ibadat+pahala+syurga+neraka - think - musix - etc
ak rs jels gak tgk ramai tol org msk space org tu org ni. kl korg smua nk knal aku, jom la kte men commnt o msg dlm space ak @ Ym chatting la huhuh. aku pny email - [email protected] jom beramai-ramai memeriahkn lagi myspace. aite
dewa - ungu - chris brown - souljah boy - gun 'n' roses - iklim - wings - ukays - padi - hujan - gwen stefani - dj unk - raihan - bow wow - hinder - kaer AF - justin timberlake - alicia keys - kanye west - meet uncle hussein - montana da mac - jay-z - nelly - nidji - hijjaz - the fabolous cat - too phat - nirvana - romancessa - young jezzy - spider - etc
transformer - war rouge assasin - saving private tyan - band of brothers - king kong - narnia - the matrix trilogy - jurassic park trilogy - star war trilogy - balls of fury - longest yard - white chick - senario the movie - cicakman - die hard trilogy - stomp the yard - ghostbuster - ninja turtle - 300 - bee the movie - ice age trilogy - etc
melodi - buletin utama - sponge bob square pants - pimp my ride - mtv cribs - espn - hbo - ceria - cartoon network - agro tv - national geography - art attack - samarinda - etc
IDN - slam - gempak - al-quran - thesis - KLUE - JuNK - etc
nabi muhammad - mama - abah - helwa - hana - frens - polis - bomba - pengakap - PBSM - etc