About Me
42-year old technical writer, editor, teacher, and part-time musician living in York, PA by way of Seattle and North Carolina. Have played drums for 25 years with such fine folks as the UNC Tarheels Marching Band, The Turncoats, Better Days, Steve McKenzie, Chris and the Cornflakes, E-Fields (Rick Hasley RIP), the Drunk Thumbs, The Heaters, Chris Church, the Husbians, Ellery Jett, Beaver (the one show wonder!), Barton Carroll, Sarah Shannon, Jason Parker, 80's Head, the Cyclone Killers, Crooked Fingers, the York College Jazz Band (under the direction of the inimitable Mr. Jeff Stabley) and Milkshake Jones. Currently playing with AD Chandler, Megan Donnelly, and Kris Kostoff.