I never know what to write on these, and everytime I end up writing something different lol. Well basically I am pretty boring really, I am unsocialable, lazy and my life pretty much revolves around my job to the extent that the highlight of my life is not having to get up on my day off.
So if you think you can make my life interesting please be my guest, but that does not mean I want honry little teenager's who just want to meet and have sex. . .Cos well lets face it, it's never gonna happen
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 97%
Romance - 41%
Self - Control - 11%
Kissing - 21%
Cuddling - 35%
Kinkiness - 12%
This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 1629349 Times.
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I found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!
I love this site for real! PYZAM.com , Check it out!