Almadulillah, my mother embraced islaam when i was three years old. She changed my name via courts to Hassan A. Muhammad. When I was eight years old, in 1988, my father traveled to the sacred city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, as a student of the University of Medina(aj-Jaami'atul Islaamiyyah). He remained there, with my siblings, for ten years,mashallah. However, I remained behind with my mother,as her mahram. As time elapsed, as an adolescent, I lost my vision on Islaam. Indulging in the streets, and being misled by the hustlers,and pimps I saw as father figures. By the permission of Allah, Allah restored my sight of Islaam, and in 1997, when i was seventeen, I reverted to Islaam, as a muslim.
It's 2007, 10 years since i began traversing willingly upon the true path of islaam. It's been a bumping road full of adversity, and souls seaching, but i can honestly say that this path of islaam is the best path to traverse. I had the oppurtunity to study of overseas(Yemen) and see islaam with my own eyes.I had the ability to see the example of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi was sallam, portrayed by the scholars.I witnessed the true characteristics of Salafiyyah. And I can't wait to return to the land of the muslims.
If anyone has any questions regards my experience, i will be glad to relay it to you...Jazakumullahu khayr!style type="text/css"
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