About Me
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The names Shelley.dark hair, my eyes are confused..ones blue and ones green, 5'5 AND A HALF. i'm a happy camper; i smile 24/7. I wanna go to the olympics. I should have been born in the 6Os. I dont act my age. I have issues with people touching my neck.I'd same i'm pretty unique and have a mind of my own. I don't like trends and people who can't act like themselves, or if acting like themselves happens to be being a total douche. I have laugh attacks on a regular basis at unexpected moments. I don't wear enough makeup to make myself look like a pumpkin. I dont like people who take themselves too seriously. Winters a slut. I'm always moving/talking. I want a 69 Dodge Charger Hemi in candy apple red.? hiphoppp/classic rock/grunge, farms, retro-ness, my sister,tournaments, green and brown, plaid, older gentlemen, walking,chillllln,alcoholic beverages on a summer evening, being happy, red lipstick, having so much money you dont know what to purchase first, cereal, late night coffee runs, camping, teeter-totters, outside, kicks, graffiti, trains, dolphins, ocean, down filled blankies, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, kissing, eyelashes, waking up..thinking its a weekday..then realizing its saturday and you can sleep forever, baking, boys boxers, silk sheets, dimples, dark hair, air conditioning, paddle boats, brand new bats, broken in ball gloves, hottubs, vodka and lemonade, nonsense, photography, nose/lip/tongue piercings, tattoos, black and white photos, sunsets, my gramma(s), meeting new people, mascara and eyeliner, hiphop shows, running, fire, TPB, pretty shotglassses, thunderstorms..only when theres no tornadoooes, heart-to-hearts, sitting by the fire, bedtime, sketching, spandex, nudity, comedy, the fringe, dreads, incense and scented candles, friendly people, hot summer nights, my dwarf bunnys, unique-ness..the oposite sex; etc etc. Cheers!
--the best commercial back in the days of kindergarten and afternoon naps,yEif you got a new car..and your feelin like a star,whatchya gonna do? GHOSTRIDE ITTTTT! HAHA