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© Dave

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Tall, Thin and smells like aqua-glide...think about it

My Interests

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, instructions for use of - ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this, Thy hand grenade, that with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits... in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [Whereupon the friar is urged, "skip ahead a bit, brother"]... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." Amen.

I'd like to meet:

Derren Brown - AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH! nice chap though


Spamalot,the straight man's musical, JAZZ HANDS!!


If you like hardcore porn sign up to Blockbuster video, they send it right to your door, Genius :)


Square thing, corner of the room, usually has that northerner vernon kaye on it


Dean Learner - "She was like a candle in the wind... unreliable." Thorton Reed - "I've been there hombre, when I heard my wife died I could barely finish my lunch"