_We are .
_We are a 3 piece band from Birmingham.
_We are three long term friends playing music we love.
SHAPES has been going since January 08. We released our debut EP in May 08 and toured with OK Pilot, and have continued gigging as much as we can across the country since, including a couple of other tours in September.
We have had the pleasure of sharing stages with Blakfish (BSM), Tubelord (BSM), Mirror! Mirror! (Holy Roar), Danananaykroyd (Best Before), OK Pilot (Freakscene), Tellison (Gravity Dip), Mimas (BSM), The Flatliners (Fat Wreck), Resonate (Lockjaw), The Computers (Freakscene), HPR (SmallTown), Colour (Xtra Mile) and many more fabulous bands.
Shapes debut EP 'Get Your Learn On' is out now, released through Godmonkey Recordings and is available at shows as well as through independent outlets and iTunes etc..
Alternatively, click on one of the links on the left to download it or buy a cd.
We have been gigging continually for the last few months and will continue through October, but will be only playing a select few shows in November and December. Please message us if you are interested in booking us.
If you are interested in booking us please email us at weareshapes@hotmail.co.uk or for tours please contact On Dry Land at kirk.harrington@gmail.com or message us here with the subject BOOKING.
PLEASE NOTE: We have experienced problems in some venues with the volume we play at. If loudness will be a problem, don't book us.
Agents and promoters can view our press pack by clicking the button below:
View Shapes' EPK
Please feel free to add a banner to your page :)
We have some lovely T-Shirts and Tote Bags for sale:
_TOTE BAGS £5.00
.. Click on the image to go to the store...
We have a track on the new Big Scary Monsters Podcast, click on the image to go and listen....