Profile Generatorhi people,
I..m a 23 year old girl from the Netherlans and i Listen to the name Anke. :P I..m still a student for the next 2 years and yes, i like it. :D
I have a lovely boyfriend and two kids (Carmen & Ricardo).
At the moment I..m one of the 3 dj..s from the oldest gothic praty in the Netherlands, Obscura. Last november Obscura excist already 15 years.
I like bodymods, for now i only have some piercings and a tattoo on my back.
* helix
* surface
* septum
* earlobs(2x 3mm, 4x 1,2mm and 3x 1,6mm)
* labret
* tongue
* nipples (1x right)
the piercings that I had:
* surface (2x)
* eyebrow
* left nipple
29 dec 2006
my first tattoo
an ANKH with batwings
At the moment I'm 10 weeks in Halle/Saale (Germany). I work there in the Zoo with the Common squirrel Monkeys and in the Elefanthouse. It's nice to live here, nice people, but is miss my boyfriend, kids, friends and family very much!
I love animals (who doesn't?). I have 2 guinea pigs und 4 birdspiders. 2 Brachypelma Smithi slings, 1 Brachypelma Vagans and 1 Brachypela albopisylum. Next week my BF buys another spider an Grammastola pulchra. (pics will come!)