Cela profile picture


Hold her to you, for she is part of you, as we all are part of each other

About Me

My mood in video:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

starwoids, kids at heart, yoda, mae west, transexuals, merlin, lovers of life, Walt Disney and Emerson...Jesus can come too. ;) there's nothing i enjoy more than being completely myself - so pretty much anyone who makes me feel free enough to do that around them. intellectual, open-minded convo-starters welcome. Melissa Etheridge. Dolly Parton. The ghost of Mae West,selena,buddy holly, and ritchie valenzeula. John Butler. Wait. Already have! Score.

My Blog

Because prop 8 and its aftermath warrants venting...

Haven't "blogged" in forever, but this new OB/Gyn rotation looks like it's not going to be as bad as I had originally thought, and I can get a free moment here to get it all off my chest. By "it all"...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 03:45:00 GMT