teX@s !s d@ h0mE 0f D@ pL@Ya$ @nD p!mPs profile picture

teX@s !s d@ h0mE 0f D@ pL@Ya$ @nD p!mPs

tHerE aRe 3 tYpes oF pEople...tHe oNe's tHat mAke tHinGs haPpen, tHe onE's thAt wAtcH wh@t hApPens,

About Me

wUt uP eVerboDy. tHe nAme'S daViD aNd t0 sTaRt oFf, iM sAm0an, buT u prObaBly d0nt kNow wHAt tHat !s aNywAys. iVe goT @ bEauTifuL bAbY b0y nAmeD DaMieN wHos mY LifE. iM pRetty chIlLEd and lAyeD baCk f0r tHe m0St paRt, bUt u d0n't wAnNa p!s$ me 0fF. riGhT n0w i'M iN CaMp TaJi, IraQ wiTh tHE rEsT oF tHe 1sT cAvalRy d!viSion sO wE'll seE yA'll soOn.

My Interests

Name: d@Vid
Birthday: 02aPriL1987
Birthplace: haWAii
Current Location: LaMe a$$ !raq
Eye Color: bRowN
Hair Color: bLacK
Height: 6'
Right Handed or Left Handed: rIghT
Your Heritage: s@mOaN t0 dA fuLLesT
The Shoes You Wore Today: aRmY boOts
Your Weakness: a pReTTy sMiLe
Your Fears: lOsiNg l0veD oNe$
Your Perfect Pizza: veGGie
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: sTay aLivE
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: aRe u sEriOus??
Thoughts First Waking Up: dAmn...mOrniNg aLreAdY
Your Best Physical Feature: uMm...dOnT rEaLLy kNoW
Your Bedtime: wHenEveR i fEeL LiKe iT
Your Most Missed Memory: cHiLLin wiT dA hOmiEs
Pepsi or Coke: dR. pEpPeR
MacDonalds or Burger King: mIckeY dEEz
Single or Group Dates: bOth ! gUeSs
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: fUck tEa
Chocolate or Vanilla: cHocoLatE
Cappuccino or Coffee: hOw bOut cOcOa
Do you Smoke: nO
Do you Swear: LoL...tOo mUcH
Do you Sing: iN dA sHowEr
Do you Shower Daily: yEp
Have you Been in Love: iN luV rIte noW
Do you want to go to College: yEs
Do you want to get Married: sOmedAy
Do you belive in yourself: oF coUrsE
Do you get Motion Sickness: a LiL bIt
Do you think you are Attractive: i hOpE sO
Are you a Health Freak: kIndA
Do you get along with your Parents: mOsT oF tHe tImE
Do you like Thunderstorms: nO
Do you play an Instrument: dOes wHistLiNg coUnT??
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: nOpE
In the past month have you Smoked: nEveR wILL
In the past month have you been on Drugs: heLL nO
In the past month have you gone on a Date: kIndA
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: nO maLLs iN iRaQ
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: noT bY mySelF
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: i hAte sUshI
In the past month have you been on Stage: nO
In the past month have you been Dumped: yEs
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nO..bUt eVentUaLLy
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: boRRowEd noT stOlen
Ever been Drunk: nOpe
Ever been called a Tease: oNce oR twIce
Ever been Beaten up: LoL..bY my dAd
Ever Shoplifted: nEvEr
How do you want to Die: oLd aGe wiT soMeonE i LuV
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: P.@. or dOc
What country would you most like to Visit: pUerTo rIco
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: aNytHinG tHat'LL cAtcH mY aTTentIoN
Favourite Hair Color: aS LonG aS i cAn rUn mY fIngeRs thRouGh iT
Short or Long Hair: deFiniTeLy LonG
Height: 5"-5"7
Weight: nOt fAt oR tOo sKinNy
Best Clothing Style: sOmeThiNg cOmfoRTabLe
Number of Drugs I have taken: nOne
Number of CDs I own: tOo mAny
Number of Piercings: a CoupLe SomeDay
Number of Tattoos: cAn'T sAy
Number of things in my Past I Regret: a cOupLe


I'd like to meet:

aLrEaDy mEt'em


pRetTy mUcH AnYtHinG eXcePt c0UntRy
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aNytHiNg $caRy...n0 ChIck flIcKs tHouGh


d0nt hAvE t!mE. t00 buSy tRyiN t0 sTay aLiVe


d0nT rEaD mUch


fAmIly & fRiEnDs