About Me
Hello, my name is Timothy Banks. I am a theologian of great renown and respect worldwide. I have written many books, and some people say I am directly inspired by God. They are wrong... but close. I am also the best looking guy in the world, and am an excellent musician... I taught Dave Matthews how to play guitar, and Jack Johnson. I am both of their hero's. Ok, I'm also a liar, and everything I just told you was a lie. Although, I do like to study theology, does that make me a theologian? i dont think so, im just a Christian who is very interested in what God has to tell me through scripture. I have certain presuppositions that I come to scripture's with, but that doesnt mean I interpret everything in light of them. If scripture shows me that I am wrong, I will gladly change my suppositions, because, as I said, I'm interested in what God has to say. I do enjoy discussing theology with people, however I do not enjoy arguing bitterly over certain points of theology with people, because if it's an argument, than no one's listening to what is being said other than with an interest to prove them wrong. Scripture is not just a tool we can use in a argumentive game we play in Christian circles to prove eachother wrong. It is God's word to us, and if our focus is where it should be, on Christ, and God's glory, than we dont necessarily have to agree on all the finer points of theology to be united as one body, Christ's church. However, I am also not a unitarian, meaning i believe that everyone's right... I believe there is a right and wrong interpretation of scripture, but much of our minor doctrines are not worth splitting the body of Christ over. However, doctrines stating that people are saved by works, or that people can lose salvation, or other major doctrines are very much worth dwelling on, and showing by scripture how it is only by the grace of God, through faith in the atonement of the blood of Christ that can save us from our eternal condemnation that we deserve for our rebellion to God. But it pleased God, in that while we were still sinners, rebel's even, to send His Son, to take the penalty for us. To say that our salvation is based on works would mean that He has died in vain. Because then His death would not be a sufficient covering, and man can not live a righteous life. that is not our nature. It is our very nature to sin. We sin because we are sinners. We are slaves to sin. But thankfully Christ died for us, so now I have been crucified with Christ, yet I live, but not I, but Christ who lives in me. so i am no longer a slave to sin, meaning i no longer am captive, i no longer am forced to sin. I can live a Holy life. and I am in fact Holy, and blameless in Gods sight. When He sees me, He sees Christ. That is my position. A position of righteousness. it is not a position i can work my way to. it is a position i recieve as a gift from God. And because of this position, I can live conditionally righteous as well. Living righteous is not a condition of my position, rather, it is a product of my position. however, I do still sin. I do this because I do still have a sin nature. Before i had only a sin nature, now i have the Holy Spirit as well. I have these two natures in me. Before I had to obey my sin nature, but now i no longer have to, instead I can follow the Holy Spirit. My sin nature no longer has authority, but yet it so often calls, and i so often obey. that doesnt mean i am not saved. because salvation is not by works, if I could do something to earn salvation, I could do something to lose it as well. However, salvation is not based on my works, but rather grace. I cannot do something to lose salvation if i never did anything to earn it in the first place. So, at times I will sin. And in those times, I will look to the One whom I have sinned against, and He will plead my case. Christ died once for all. To say that one has to confess His sins daily for continual salvation would be to say that Christ had not yet died for those sins, so we must crucify Him daily.so, i could go on forever on the gospel, and what i've learned, as you can see. But, I'll stop there for now, and tell you other things about me. I thoroughly enjoy playing guitar, but Im not very good at it yet. I also love surfing. I eventually hope to be a missionary pilot. I'm not sure where yet, as of now I'm looking into places like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Mozambique. But, God may send me in a whole different direction. umm, theres lots more to know about me.... so... leave me a message, or comment, or something...