Hey we're ArcanA, we formed in early august 2006 when Dave and Kyal randomly had a jam in Kyals room and they just clicked hence fourth "Through Empty Eyes" was written that day (Thanks to Shaz`s lyrical ability) They then started the long hunt for other members. After many incarnations we have arrived at our current line up - Dave... Guitarist and songwriter, Kyal... Drums, Shaz... Lyrics, Seb... Vocals and Guitar, Izy... Bass, Squee... Vocals. So anyway just message us or comment us and hope to see you in the crowds one day xx
all music and lyrics performed by ArcanA are protected by copyright
Check out the song on our profile "When I`m Holding you" something a little different than our usual sound, it`s been on our profile for a while now but we noticed the 2nd guitar part was slightly out of time and have adjusted the timing slightly in the studio.
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