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Well, In case you couldn't tell, my relationship with God has to come first. Then my family. Then my friends. I hang out on the computer for fun and research. I love worship services and helping people with their problems. I do alot of other stuff too. Anything you want to know just ask!
No one online, that's for sure! but if you want to chat or send a email I'd be perfectly hpapy to respond! If I already know you offline I might meet up with ya. I already know Jesus but I'd be happy to introduce you if you don't know him yet! I promise you he INVENTED cool! All his friends are cool!
Alex Nifong, natalie grant Anything BUT rap, (Well, that's not entirely true-- I like rap fine as long as it doesn't degrade women or make the cops out to be bad.) I hate heavy metal and any music that makes God out to be negative. Because he's MY God. I'm convinced he knows what he's doing and most people are just too stubborn to let him do his job--which happens to be running their lives.
Anything but horror and westerns. I don't like anything I percieve to be boring. Just ask! I promise to be honest but if you really have your heart set on it and I like you I'll sit through it just for you.
House (The psychology and medical talk fasicnates me but then I love all things psychological.), Desperate Housewives (Great for studying communication in relatinships!) Monk (Fabulous for building an eye for detail!) Lost (Excellent for utilizing teamwork and stretching thinking!), Boston Legal (the legal stuff! plus the writing is great, the scripts are well planned out and not eveyone loves Denny Crane. I myself am partial to the inner working of Alan Shore. I find myself fascinated with his mind. He's rather brilliant! This is the only thing I actually LIKE william Shatner in. The show is well cast, the timing is excellent, the guest stars fit in nicely and at the end it wraps up nicely with a porch scene to end the day and summerize. And no, I don't think Alan will EVER have a shot with Shirley Schmidt. She's WAAAYY too classy.)
The Bible! Dean Koonts, John Grisham's Legal thrillers. My ideal of a good time is hanging out in the library all day! Heh! I'm a library geek! Anywhere I can pick up a book. I just to read. Really, I'll read just about anything. I have a stock market for dummies book I've been meaning to read... but my other true love is anything psychological... Basically I like to learn.
Definitly Jesus! Anyone who Does something for someone else without truly expecting anything in return. Such a person is hard to come by. My folks.