Somtimes suke gi window shoppin,besalar..pompuan! Suke gi holiday, gi pantai ker, memaner la asalkan dpt tenangkan otaknih tp jarang sgt dpt peluang tuh..bile agaknyer..?hm..since frm sek, i luv outdoor activitis such as panjat gunung, camping etc.
any type of music especially yg touchin...ooouuuhhhhh...:p somtimes i luv Nasyids! bkn sbb alim(silap tuh!)aku rase tenang sangat with this kind of music...hehehehe...
Never been kissed*ade memory!* LOTR, Harry Potter, Soal Hati etc. Sume tgk, asalkan tak boring!
smalville, sinchan, birds pray, gillmore girls etc
Lagenda Budak setan!! Full of tragic Luv story..erm...[ahadiat akashah]