Alan profile picture


Today is for winners, tomorrow is for losers

About Me

Laid back & simple. Perfectly content just sitting on my steps and chill w/ a beer in my hand and my friends shooting the breeze. Ambitious and thinks I'm here to make it big in the world but I won't forget where I came from and the people that touch me along the way.

My Interests

Part time chef, basketball junkie, reading anything interesting, lounging, outdoor stuff, coaching basketball to chinatown kids, chilling w/ my friends and b/s.

I'd like to meet:

anyone that is chill, laidback and easy going w/ a funny, witty & sarcastic humor. no catty girls. independent, confident and not scare to speak her mind is HOT!

Music: long as it sounds good to the ear but definitely BIG and 2PAC and WU... check out these new kats..they got some sick flow Himalayan Project


Braveheart, Kill Bill, Starsky & Hutch, Blade, Scarface