To make friends, Reggae(Root and Dancehall), Rap, Rock, Anime, Manga, Cookies, Juventus, Spaghetti, Rum, Seco, Beer, Whisky, all Women
All the Hot Gal's ...( hehehe)... Only nice/cool people! Jennifer Lopez I Monica Bellucci, Il sogno della mia vita, il mio Amore Shelob
Reggae(Root, Dancehall, Spanish), Calipso, Ska, Rap, Hip hop, R&B, Funk, Rock(Punk, Hardcore Metal), Pop, Pop Italiano, Bossa Nova, Opera, Tarantella, Panamanian folk music (Cumbia, Decima, Mejorana, Tamborito, El Punto, Saracundé, El Bunde, El Bullarengue, Congo...)
The Godfather 1 and 2 (3 stink), Carlito's Way, Scarface, The Good the Bad and the Ugly(Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo), Yojimbo, Blood in Blood out, Taxi Driver, La Vita è bella, Sanjuro, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Seven Samurais, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D (1, 2), Pirates of the Caribbean (1, 2), Lord of The Rings (1, 2, 3)
The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Sopranos, Rome, Looney Tunes, Anime (all)
Edad de oro del mito y la leyenda(mythology), The Book of Five Rings -Miyamoto Musashi, The Art of War -Sun Tzu, The Hobbit -J.R.R. Tolkien
God (Dios, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, YHWH, Jah, Yeshua, Jesus, ...),Papa Isma (grandfather R.I.P.) Che Einstein Picasso Caruso Bob Capone Curly