every Wednesday in Central Square
738 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge, Mass.
8:00 open mic, 10:00 featured poet, 11:00 slam
18+ with photo ID, $3 unless otherwise noted
The Boston Poetry Slam kicked off in 1991, imported directly from slam's birthplace, Chicago, by Michael Brown and Patricia Smith. The slam started at T.T. the Bear's, migrated to the BookCellar, and in 1992 settled into its since-permanent home, the Cantab Lounge at 738 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge.
Boston has sent a team to the National Poetry Slam since the inception of NPS in 1992, winning the whole shebang more than once and always proudly upholding Boston's tradition of poetry. One of the oldest poetry slams in the country, the Boston Poetry Slam @ the Cantab Lounge has hosted (and continues to host!) national and international team and individual champions, award-winning published authors, and plenty of very talented folks who may have never won a dang thing but sure put on a helluva show.
In 2004, Michael Brown stepped down from the position of SlamMaster, turning the post over to 2001 slam team member and then-Champion of Champions Simone Beaubien. The weekly show and its rotating cast of hosts continues to thrive, acting as one of the hubs of the Boston performance poetry scene, and consistently bringing in new featured poets and up-and-coming slammers.
The Boston slam community has been witness to over fifteen years of triumph, tragedy, scandal, heartbreak, and glory, one Wednesday at a time. Consider this your personal invite to join in, either to read or listen in, at the weekly open mic and slam.
Need an answer quickly? Have press or media inquiries? Looking for a feature slot? Your best bet is to contact us directly at [email protected] .