(In no particular order) Drinking with my mates, shoe shopping, cinema, books, Liverpool FC, bed.
In my dreams...
Ben Folds, Green Day, The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, Christina Aguilera, Robbie Williams, Nirvana, Metallica, Bryan Adams, The Automatic, Sugababes, most dance music...
Ever After, Crash, The Green Mile, the usual chick flicks, Monsters Inc, Bring It On, V For Vendetta, Mary Poppins, Labyrinth...
Strictly Come Dancing, America's Next Top Model, Robin Hood, Scrubs, Family Guy, Blackadder, QI, most sport (apart from Golf)
I really want Greenclaws to come out on DVD but the chances of that happening are slim to none *sobs*
Too many to list them all - I read a lot! Some of them - Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R Martin, all Georgette Heyer's historical novels, Terry Pratchett esp the Guards books, Agatha Christie novels, the Chalet School series. I love Tamora Pierce and Diana Wynne Jones books too. Basically historical, fantasy, crime, chick lit, I'll read it all.
Part of the library...
My Grandad. A truly amazing person.