One Psycho Bitch!!! profile picture

One Psycho Bitch!!!

We are the ones your MaMa always worned you about. We are true Trailer Trash!!!

About Me

The most random survey....:
The Most Random Survey
What's the first thing you do when waking up in the morning? Go pee!
Do you prefer a shower or bath? Jetted bath tub!
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once!
How often do you find yourself thinking about your ex? Whenever someone dies!
What kind of cell phone do you have? Pink Katana!
What would you do with a 10 bill you found on the ground? Go to lunch!
What would you do with your significant other if you knew today was your last day with them? Go to the beach & talk!
Have you said "I love you" today? Yes!
What's one thing you actually remember about kindergarten? My first Kiss!
Did you cry at your graduation or smile because you were glad it was over? Smiled!
Are you closer with your mom or dad? Was my Daddy!
Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? Sun!
Is chocolate really better than sex? Sex + Chocolate!
What's 2 of your favorite movies? Top Gun & Wedding Singer!
What's the last thing you think about before going to sleep at night? How comfy my big bed is!
What would you do if your best friend jumped on your ex the day after you two split? Throw cold water on them!
How many rumors have you heard about yourself? OOOHHHH SOOO MANY!
Which one did you find to be the funniest? My son is the Mailmans!
Does your life seem to revolve around drama? When Tracy is here!
What's a nickname you go by? Ma!
How do you calm down when your extremely angry? Take extra pills!
Do you prefer to work hard or hardly work? Hardly work!
What are 3 places you want to see in the world? Austrailia, Hawaii, Germany!
A movie or a long walk in the park on the first date? Long walk!
What are 3 of the first things you notice about the opposite sex? Butt, looks, clothes!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Getting a face lift!
In 10? Getting a Body lift!
Do long distance relationships actually work out? Only if you're a great liar!
Ever thought you met "The One"? I did, 30 years ago!!
What are 2 of your favorite places to eat? Red Lobster & Chineese!
3 of your favorite places to shop? Wal Mart, Goodwill, Victorias SECRET!
Do you currently have a job? Nope!
Which would you rich and miserable, or poor and extremely happy? Rich & extremely happy!
What's one of your favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy!
Does your life revolve around drama? When Tracy's here!
What did you want to be when you "grow up"? A cook or a Mama!
Would you ever date someone covered in tats and piercings? No!
What's your favorite perfume or cologne for the opposite sex? Drakkar!
Do you believe the first kiss tells you everything you need to know about the relationship? Absoulutly not!
Where do your hands go when kissing someone? I always get top of shoulders!
Do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Hells ya, it's Sponge Bob!
How many showers do you take in one day? Usually one!
Are those better when you've got someone to join you? Of course!
Would you want a house at the beach or in the mountains? The Beach!
Which would you rather have...a huge walk in shower or a jacuzzi bath tub big enough for 2? Jacuzzi Bath for two, or more!
What are 2 of your favorite colors? Pink & Purple
Do you look up or at your feet when you walk? Look Forward!
What do you think about people that are extremely skinny and actually likes the way they look? To each their own!
Who do you prefer...Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Angelina Jolie!!
What's your favorite ice cream? Pecan Praline!
Do you like Starbucks...or are they just overpriced? Love Starbucks!!
Are you a prep or a jeans-and-t-shirt type of person? Jeans & Tees!
What color are your eyes? Green!
Do you have glasses or contacts? Just for reading!
Ever had someone you love tell you they never want to see or talk to you again? No!
How many times has an ex just called you up when you least expect it? About 20, when drunk usually!
Is it love at first sight or lust? Lust then maybe Love!
Which do you want...a big extravagant wedding or a quiet intimate ceremony? Alope to Vegas!!
What's the most expensive thing you own? My Crystal collection!
What's the most you've ever spent on a pair of jeans? .
What color are your bedroom walls? Almond!
Do you ever actually make your bed? Every day!
How many pillows do you have to sleep with? 2 each!
Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone? Alone, in the middle!
What is one of your pet peeves? Slow ladies in the checkout lines!
What could you tolerate...someone who snores or a sleep walker? Us snorers have to stick together!
What's the craziest thing you've ever done? I threw 4 aerosol cans in a fireplace, big bangs!!
Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? Sky dive, free falling sounds good!
Ever been outside of the US? Yes, Ontario, Canada!
Ever think Texas should just be part of Mexico? No!
How much do you think your house would be worth if it was setting in the hills of California? 2.99!
What do you honestly think about the kids on Sweet 16? Spoiled little Brats that need to be caged!!
Are the shows on MTV too fake? Yes!
Do you have to have some kind of noise to fall asleep? I love white noise!!
What time is it right now? 10:20 am!
What's your zodiac sign? Aquarius!
How long does it usually take you to get dressed? 2 mins.
Do you prefer to call or text someone? Call or yell real loud!
Who is your celebrity heart-throb? Jack Sparrow!!!!!
Would you have survived 100 years ago? Sure, why not!
What do you think the world will be like in 30 years? Pretty scarey thought!!
Do you have to be the center of attention? Sometimes!
Do you save your money or spend it when you get your hands on it? What does saving mean, I invest in Wal Mart!
Are you a party animal or someone who prefers to stay in? I'm an animal every where!
Ever been told you are "The Life of The Party"? How about, you're so much fun!
Did you get a new year's kiss? Sure, the next day!
What was one thing you wanted for your birthday you didn't get? To go to Vegas!
Are you a happy person? Thats what pills are for!!
If money was no option...what type car would you own? Hummer Limo + Driver!!
Do you think you could actually survive the cost of living in California or New York? Probably not!
How many concerts have you been to? Holy Shit, about 150!
What are 3 set radio stations in your vehicle right now? 104.7, 105.5, 94.9
Do they "wear-out" good songs by over playing them? 104.7 really does!
What's one thing you always said you'd never do but have done? Thats pretty private!! I did it!!
Have you ever flat ironed your hair? I used a real iron when I was 16!
What's the most you've ever payed for shampoo and conditioner? .
Was it actually worth it? Not really!
Ever been told your a flirt? All the time!
What have you done that you are proud of? Pissed my pants in a strangers toyota while laughing!
Do you go to church every Sunday? Nope!
Do you have a hidden talent? I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue!
Are you an adrenaline junkie or someone who plays-it-safe? Depends on my mood!
Do you like water parks? Not for me, but for the kids!
What do you normally eat for breakfast? A cup of coffee or two!
What do you think of those people that will actually pay 0 per person to eat dinner? White trash coupons saves money to shop!
Ever been called a tease? Yes, but not for quite awhile!
What is one of your childhood memories? Standing on the bed, singing with a brush!
Do you like to cuddle? Not for very long, I feel held down!
Do you have an actual comforter on your bed? A georgous teal one, with 5 pillows!
Do you like the heat or cold weather? Cold weather!
What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? Casper The Friendly Ghost!
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs!
When no one is you actually walk around naked? Never, I'd shock myself!
Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes, but I've felt more of them!
What's the best movie you've seen recently? Lemony Snicket's, A Series of Unfortunate Events!
Do you prefer scary movies or comedies? Chick Flicks!
Ever had a huge crush on someone and never tell them? Of course, hasn't everyone?
Did you high school have the clicks like Mean Girls? Not so much!
Are you a bashful or outgoing person? Out going!
If you could change one thing about your body...would you? Rebuild from the neck down!
If someone held a gun to your head and asked you..."Do you believe in God?" what would you say? Sure she's up there!
Would you drive 1000 miles for the one you love? I have driven 500 miles before!
What was one thing you was given as a child and still have? A Bride doll. she's 48 years old!
Do you have a favorite shirt or pair of jeans you wear over and over? Of course!
Will you move away from your hometown any time soon? Haven't beem home for 10 years!
Would you actually relocate for the one you can't live without? Yes, and I have,many times!
Does love really make you act crazy? Used to!
How many texts do you send on average a month? None, I don't even know how!
Have you ever talked to a psychic? No,but I would!
How many kids do you want? Already have 4, soon to add 4 more!
What's your favorite name for a girl and boy? Rocky!
Have you ever actually snuck out of your house? No, I usually snuck in, very quiet!
How many things have you done that your parents don't know about? OOOHHH!! Too many to mention!
Ever been taken to jail? Yes, Thank you very much Desiree!
Have you ever had a pen pal? Yes! I had 15 when I was young!
What are you about to do now that this survey is over? Let some one else have the computer, this took forever!

My Interests

We love to go shopping & out to lunch. You could say we are always out to lunch!!
Myspace Clocks Provided By

I'd like to meet:

We like to go out and have fun. It's always fun to go pinch males on the butt! We are just here to have fun and make new friends.friends like YOU!!!! brk


hip hop, country, just about anything.



Chick flicks, comedies, Christmas shows are a favorite. No scarey shows. We are huge X Men fans.


Hereos is a huge favorite. General Hospital for soaps, ER, Desperate House wives.


Not big readers,fat surprise there.

How to make a BaDaZZBev
3 parts jealousy
5 parts self-sufficiency
5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of emotion and enjoy!

Personality cocktail


Sam Elliot, Hugh Jackman, Younger Burt Reynolds,Johnny Depp