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HEY!! you have locked onto my space my name is RIX,im 17 and im a christian STANDAAARD!!! I enjoy making music, not only because of my interest in it but because i love making music to praise god. Anyways instead of talking about myself i'd like to shout out all artists, producers, singers etc that are using music positively and to praise god, because as you can see by how many tracks you know of by heart music is a very powerful tool and could be, nar scrap that will be effective in this world and will save souls if we continue to use it too praise GOD, remember that fam dont dismiss it or SCROLL past it its important SERIOUS!!
Dont be scared too message me, holla at me, aslong as your gonna chat sense if not then NUH BODDA!! lolz just rampin :D nah but seriously :l no nonsense.
StaY BlesseD and PEACE!!