Kinda into movies, but I don't really know what I would consider a true interest of mine....I guess I am truely a people watcher (not a voyer mind you). I don't try to be, but I notice things. I am just curious as to what made certain famous and successful people what they are, and I try to see things in others.....sometimes things that aren't there.
Big Bird, The Easter Bunny, Wolverine, Samuri Jack, Ben Ten (I just want his watch), Triple H, and the Count. I really just want to have a kick ass drinking party with them all and see what happens.
Mainly alternative (or whatever you want to call it), few rap songs, few country songs, though some country is really starting to grow on me.
What Dreams May Come. The Jack Bull. Instinct. Undreworld. The Usual Suspects. Boondock Saints. Gladiator. Matrix. True Romance. Etc....etc....
I mainly watch things on Adult Swim...Not really into anything else. Not a big fan of stupid ass teenagers or an absolute brat's sweet sixteen (especially when they need their asses kicked in). The news has gotten too depressing.
The Road, The Book Thief, Angels and Demons, The Illiad, The Da Vinci Code, 1984, I, Robot ,(The book before the movie. Nothing alike.), From A Buick 8,In Cold Blood, Splinter Cell, Twisted, Brave New World... I guess there are a few more, but I really can't remember.
Anyone who can actually be morally right and live in this world. People that don't get easily swayed by the chance to do something fucked up.