Billy..s Bio
To say that I started music late compared to most, is an understatement. I
didn..t get serious about music until November of 1998, and I didn..t write my
first song until 2001. Better late than never, right?? I was too busy running
70-80 miles a week as a competitive distance runner for 23 years. During that
time, I always had a great love for music. People around me say I have a decent
voice and suggested that I try to use my talents, so I naturally progressed from
there. Some might say that they created a monster.......
My journey began in Clearwater, FL and I was raised in Germany, Kentucky and
Tennessee, but mostly Georgia. Moving was part of being an army brat, as my dad
was in the Army for 23 years. Since almost all of that time was in the South, my
roots are definitely southern. People say that they hear it in my music, though
sometimes I think that my influences are so varied, that I can..t even hear it. I
just write and play it the way I feel it, and thank God that it happens.
I visited East Side Mansion Recording Studio in March 2005 and introduced myself
to owner/engineer William Ferraro. When Will found out that I wanted to record
fourteen of my own songs with full-band sound and no band in sight, he knew it
was going to be a challenge. He then asked if I could play to a track..,
to which I responded, ..What..s a click track?.. To make a long story short,
seventeen months ago, Will had a full head of hair and has since lost most of
it....He..s probably using ..Just for Men.. to darken what..s left of it....(just
kidding Will.) I think I have definitely tested his mettle. gone a little
crazy myself, but it..s been more than worth the effort. Meeting Will and some
other great people along the way, has really helped me grow in my music, and I..m
eternally grateful.
People ask me, ..Who do you sound like?.. and I never have a clear answer. Some
who have listened to my CD say it sounds like anything from southern to country
rock, to folk music with a touch of the blues. To me, I..m just Billy and when I
play I..m thinking of myself and the story I want to tell my audience; I don..t
emulate anyone. I listen to anything: Sinatra, Hendrix, Megadeth, Little Feet,
Skynard...anything. My favorite current band is AudioSlave. Personally, I don..t
think I sound like any of these influences, but what other people hear is wide
open. I just want to touch people on some level. Hopefully, ya..ll like what you
To all of you, this CD is dedicated to tears, fears, a few cold beers, friends &
lovers, & just great sex Ya..ll!
Billy Skinner
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