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About Me

Well if you're reading this im probably not in Midland any more and im off serving the Lord in Denver, Colorado. I'm going to leave my sister in charge of my myspace and if anybody wants to talk to me she will net me know and i'll get back to you.First of all i stoped carring what people thought about me a while back and i started to be myself.Im going to be serving a mission in Denver Colorado South. I will be speaking my native language spanish. MY purpose as a missionary is: Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restord gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy GHost, and enduring to the end.If any of you have a question about anything you can ask me anything, or you can check out this website that talks a little more about it. The rest of the stuff is like a semester old, but if you want to read it go ahead.Some people think Im crazy, others cool, awsome, and I could care less about the rest. I like to hang out with my friends. Im up for anything, willing to try new stuff. I try to have fun wherever I am. I can be sitting on a couch and come up with a conversation or whaterver and make it fun.These are my future goals. 1. When I get back from my mission Im going to come back and have a job + continue college, 2. While im attending college I want to get married around the years 22 - 25, no later than that. This way we can experience the hardships of life, and if we can handle that than any obsticle that gets infront of us wont be a problem. I dont watnto get married around 30 ill be an old fart by then. I want to find a wife that is humble and is more interested in personality than looks. Looks are good but people get old, wrinkely, and die so if you think about it it dosent really mater. 3. Have around 2 kids, I want to be a good father. 4. Who knows..............

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I dont want to meet anybody unless they are inportant, or they belong to a band that i like. Other than that nothing sticks out.

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