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About Me

My name is Melanie, I live in Bath, Maine.. I grew up in Rockland. Moved to Bath, Bought my house, I have a beautiful little boy whose name is Alex, i am a c.n.a now working fulltime. i am a nice person romantic i am a great friend. i love to joke around i think i am funny. my bestfriend heather would tell you that.START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name: melanie gomez
Gender: female
Age: almost 30
Screen Name: mel
Birthday: 02-24-1977
Race: native american
School/Grade: 12
Job: cashier
Status: married
Hometown: rockland
Current Town: bath
Parents Still Together?: no
Siblings: 4
Pets: a bird a dog
Smoker: no
Drinker: yes
Virgin: hell no
Orientation: love men
Drugs: no
Hair Color: brown
Is It Dyed?: yes darker
Eye Color: bluish gray
Height: 53
Style: jeans tanktop
Glasses/Contacts/None?: yes
Freckles: yes
Body Type: athletic
Shoe Size: 9
Piercings: navel ears
Want More?: no
Tattoos?: 2
Want More?: yes
Braces?: when i was a kid
Overall Best Feature:: ass and legs
Overall Worst Feature:: feet
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: both
Favorite Color: blue and purple
Worst Color: yellow
Favorite Number: none
Favorite Animal: dogs
Least Favorite Animal: spiders
Favorite Flower: red rose
Favorite Food: pizza
Worst Food: olives
Favorite Junk Food: anything
Worst Junk Food: is there any?
Favorite Restaraunt: olive garden
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: fudge tracks
Favorite Candy: jolly ranchers
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: schmirnoff green apple
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: pepsi
Worst Alcoholic Drink: vodka
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: ovaltine
Favorite Genre of Music: rock
Worst Genre: classical
Favorite Band/Artist: nickleback
Worst Band/Artist: greenday
Favorite Song: take my breath away berlin
Worst Song: anything by kelly clarkson
Favorite Radio Station: wcyy 92 moose
Favorite Book: have none
Worst Book: same
Favorite Type of Movie: comedy
Worst Type of Movie: to many to count
Favorite Movie: at first sight
Worst Movie Ever: to many to count
Favorite TV Show: dr. 90210
Wost TV Show: friends
Favorite Season of the Year: summer
Worst Season: winter duh!
Best Friend: heather
Worst Enemy: none
Favorite Day of the Week: tuesday
Least Favorite Day of the Week: saturday i work
Favorite Sport: basketball
Sport You Hate: baseball
One thing you cant get enough of: sex
One thing you hate more than anything: when people dont use their blinkers
Are You Single?: no
If not, who is your bf/gf?: my husband paul
How Long Have You Been Together?: 9 years
If You're Single, Do you Like It?:
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: mark collier plays on as the world turns
First Kiss: 1st grade i think
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: no to wet
In a Movie Theater?: no
Underwater?: no
First Love: it doesnt matter
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: no
Been Cheated on?: i hope not
Used Someone?: no
Been used?: no
Lied to your bf/gf?: no
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: no
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: no
Are You a Tease?: to my husband
Do you Flirt a Lot?: yes
Longest Relationship: 9 years and counting
Shortest: 2 months
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: no
Ever Get Flowers?: yes
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: my son
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: yes
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: yes
Do you Believe in "The One"?: yes
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: yes
Are you a Player?: no
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: no
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: yes
Kissed 2 People At One Time?: no
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: no
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: no
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: yes
Ever Been Dumped?: yes
Ever dumped someone?: yes
Ever been rejected?: no
Do you have a lot of ex's?: no
Are you a slut?: no
Ever been called one?: no
Ever dated someone more than once?: mo
Do you ever make the first move?: yes
Double dates or single?: once
Do you want to get married?: its to late
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: brown
Short or long?: short
Eye color?: blue
Style: casual
Age: around the same age
Height: 5ft 7 and up
Weight: maximum 165
Muscular or skinny?: muscular
Boxers or Breifs?: boxers
Do you care about looks?: yes
Can you drive?: yes
Do you have a car?: a blazer
Do you have a cell phone?: no thank you!
Are you .. a lot?: yes
Do you like gay/bi people?: if they dont hit on me
Can you speak another language?: in school
Do you do well in school?: kind of
Do you collect anything?: magazines
Have an obsession?: shopping
Do you hate yourself?: no
Ever smile for no reason?: no
Talk to yourself?: no
Do you have any regrets?: yes
Believe in magick?: no
Do you support gay marriage?: whatever floats their boat
Sex before marriage?: of course
Do you trust people easily?: no
Forgive easily?: yes
Do you have a secret no one knows?: no
Do you get along with your parents?: yes
What about other people?: yes
How do you vent your anger?: throw things
Do you like George Bush?: no
Goal Before you die?: travel the world
Biggest Fear: dying
Beggest Weakness: sweets
Do you play an instrument?: you guess
What do you want to be when you grow up?: i dont want to grow up
Are you...
A bitch?: sometimes
A daydreamer?: yes
Shy?: sometimes
Talkative?: yes
Energetic?: ask my husband
Happy?: yes
Depressed?: sometimes
Funny?: very
Slutty?: no
Boring?: no
Mean?: no
Nice?: yes
Caring?: yes
Trustworthy?: yes
Confident?: yes
Friendly?: yes
Smart?: yes
Sarcastic?: yes
Dependable?: yes
Quiet?: sometimes
Weird?: around my friends
Adaptable?: yes
Strong (emotionally)?: yes
Strong (physically)?: yes
Mature?: yes
Logical?: yes
Religious?: no
Modest?: sometimes
Indesicive?: no
Sympathetic?: yes
Polite?: yes
Creative?: not realy
Fun to be around?: yes
Loveable?: yes
Easily Amused?: yes
Outgoing?: yes
Daring?: yes
Clumsy?: yes
Nosy?: no
Lazy?: no
Scary?: no
Optimistic?: yes
Persuasive?: yes
A good listener?: yes
Curious?: yes
Determined?: yes
Determined?: yes
Artistic?: sometimes
Honest?: yes
Respectful?: yes
Concieted?: no
Cocky?: no
Controlling?: no
Playful?: yes
Easygoing?: yes
Carefree?: yes
Hot Headed?: when i get mad
Serious?: no
Thoughtful?: yes
Considerate?: yes
Stubborn?: yes and no
Romantic?: very
Ambitious?: yes
Jealous?: no
Insecure?: no
Obsessive?: no
Attentive?: yes
Helpful?: yes
Punctual?: yes
Rational?: yes
Sincere?: yes
Tolerant?: yes
Did you enjoy this survey?: yes
Was it too long?: yes
Do you think it contained just about everything?: yes
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My Interests

Walks on the beach, reading, traveling, shopping, and being a good mother. trying to win one game of pool against my husband.

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp, Brandon Lee if he was alive.. mark collier.ryan you are so hot!brandon lee 1965-93


Nickleback, Creed, Jack Johnson, Five for Fighting, John Mayer, Brad Paisley, Billy Currington, Bob Seager, Journey, Heart, 80's, Chris Isaak, Josh Turner, Staind, and Pussycat Dolls, nelly fertado to many to count.


At First Sight, Cocktail, Days of Thunder, The Notebook, The Breakfast Club, Some horror movies, The Break Up, Chris Kattan movies, Blue Crush, Say it isn't So, and The Crow ect.


America's next Top Model, Soaps, Miami Ink, tlc, vh1 dr.90210, las vegas, unwrapped, ugly betty, desperate housewives,cmt.


I read magazines dont have time for books.


My mom, my husband, and alex.a href="" target="_blank" my other hot husband mark yummy!
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