Physical Explosion profile picture

Physical Explosion

About Me

Physical Explosion is a side project of Material Bloodshed guitarist Peter Kent. Highly influenced by his friend Yan and Yan's side project Devil of the Puppet Peter decided to create something alike but with different sounds of course.
Petes first creation was Church Invasion. This was made using some simple samples from a DVD given to him by Yan. Using a mixing program, Pete chose the files he wanted and then mixed them together. This took Pete about 2 - 3 hours to complete and make it sound almost perfect.
2 Months later Peter created some new tracks, "Metal Groove" and "Untitled". These were made using Sony ACID and the many samples that came with it along with some free downloadable drum loops from Beta Monkey.
Those who are from Chelmsford have probably found your way to this page from the free cd I sent around. I know it probably doesn't work on your hi-fi but it should work on the computer. I would like to hear your feedback from this cd and please pass the news on about P.E.!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 18/11/2006
Band Members: Pete - Guitars, sample mixing, everything!!
Influences: I was mainly influenced by my friend Yan and his small project "Devil of the Puppet"

Sounds Like: It depends which instruments you are asking about and also which song.
Metal Groove has a hint of Slipknot in the drumming while "Untitled" has the sound of itself.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Free demo cd's

I've begun sticking my tracks onto cd's as a demo release to build up a bigger fan base. The cd's have all the myspazz tracks on plus 2 never before heard tracks. If you want one of these demo cd's, I...
Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:07:00 GMT

New and sorted!

Got 4 new tracks made now and available for listening. These tracks won't be available for download but they are available on cd. This new cd is a 4 track demo and only available by contacting me on h...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:49:00 GMT

Its Started!!

Finally got my new project up and running. This new project is known as Physical Explosion. It only has the one member: Peter. Pete does all the work on this project. Currently only one file has been...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:31:00 GMT