glenda profile picture


To indeed be a blessing!

About Me

hmmm...I'm actually in a state of solitude...I found my rock... left a grayish life and replaced it with something more meaningful... I still have not found all the answers to life but at least I know I can always turn to The word...I'm pretty much still the same person...

My Interests

My Husband Allan, My kids Rafa and Ria...Nature's punk fave color now is lemon yellow...i'm in the mood for worship music (hillsongs please) dance (I want to dance again!!!)...ballet...classic rock...scents...big my husband a massage or foot the best mom that I can be for my babies.. =)...books that we read in our small group...the internet..checking my page in friendster and multiply! hahaha! ayaw ko nga dito...

I'd like to meet:

Job as in Job in the bible!!!


Classic Rock! Jazz, Classical...a little pop and house music. Praise and worship!! i'm listening to the edge..


Dazed and Confused, Bring it On, Centerstage, Dead Poet's Society, Mall Rats, Singles, REALITY BITES,beauty and the beast,Detroit City Rocks!, Almost Famous, A walk to remember,the devil wears prada,sweet home alabama


that 70's show, dharma and greg, wonder years, sex and the city, hey arnold!, carol duvall show, art attack, look for less, unwrapped, cheaters!


siddhartha...the little prince...the alchemist...road less travelled...sophie's world! the bible...19 books to go and i've finished the whole bible!!! yeeeh!


Jesus. my mom and dad and Jimi James Hendrix

My Blog

monotony of my so-called life

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Posted by glenda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST