Building new computers. Gimme the money and ill build you one.
Well... I want to meet Alan Alda, Rammstein, and DROPKICK MURPHY'S, Children of Bodom, Orphaned Land, Chiamaira and Naturally7 check this out-
Long Live Metal; Children of Bodom, Chaimaira, Orphaned Land, Cradle of Filth, Fear Factory, Arch Enemy, Opeth, DRAGONFORCE. Just about everything. Dropkick Murphy's, Rammstein, VNV Nation, Suicide Commando, Metalica, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Covenant, Flogging Molly, George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Iron Maiden, Laibach, Modest Mouse, Sinead O'Connor, Sublime, The Chieftains, Terrorfakt, The Doors, Wolfsheim,
My top few movies happen to be... Black Hawk Down Full Metal Jacket Platoon Tears of the Sun Lord of the Rings trilogy Top Gun MILF Hunter (jk) Die Hard 1-3 When i remember more i'll add them.
I dont watch TV. What is it nowadays outside of inane reality shows that make no sense. M*A*S*H was a great one, but nobody appreciates that any more.
Shooter, Marine Sniper, Black Hawk Down are my 2 favs along with Flags of Our Fathers. Excelent read. Still waiting on the 3rd Eragon.
Gunnery Sergant R. Lee Ermey (the DI from Full Metal Jacket, and the coach from Saving Silverman. He also hosts Mail Call on the History channel.) and chickens.