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Check out "My Page" on South Georgia Green
Keeping South Georgia GREENIES united and "in the know" JOIN US -- IT'S FREE!
Take Kristen home with you! On-site parties are a blast! Our Queen Bee is quite the entertainer. She teaches "tricks of the trade" as she whips up her yummy "specialty food" in YOUR kitchen. Guess who keeps all the leftovers? She is also available for health fairs and other educational events.My Little Bee Boy with Ani Phyo & Kanga Pup! They enjoyed building GREEN play-doh sculptures! Kristen with Jenny owner and raw food chef 118 Degrees. (My fav place to eat in this world)Her food LOOKS just as lovely as it tastes. It's like eating little mini-masterpeices. Kristen and Raw Vegan Radio's Steve Prussak take a night out on the town and enjoy decadent desserts at Juliano's Raw. They give it TWO thumbs up!