Jessie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey everyone. My name is Jessie and I am 25 years old. I am originally from Sheboygan, WI, or what I like to call it, Sheerboredom or Sheghetto. If you've ever been to that hole of a city you know what I mean. I went to college at UW-Green Bay and have lived here ever since. I have a job I don't particularly love but what are you going to do.I have great friends and my life is pretty good right now. My friends are hilarious and crazy. We love to party and go out and do other things like.....oh yeah, party and go out!! I know... I have a problem. I have a super close family. Seriously every one in my family is like my best friend. I can pretty much tell them anything. I also inherited the drinking gene from them which I like to thank them for every day of my life. Well that is pretty much all I can say, I can't talk about myself anymore so that is basically me.

My Interests

I like to hang out with my friends, watch movies, read the ocassional book once and a while and I LOVE watching the Badgers, Brewers or Packers. How many days til Packer season starts?

I'd like to meet:

I can't even tell you how much I would love to meet Brett Favre. I think if I actually did meet him, one of two things would happen. I would either uncontrollably shake and try to jump him or I would pass out. I am not joking either. Either way embarassment would follow.


I love the Beatles. They have been a favorite of mine since I was little. They are the best band ever. I like O.A.R, Spoon, Rilo Kiley, Built to Spill, a lot of indie rock I guess. And I like Christina Aguilera and Bon Jovi, don't judge me.


The Usual Suspects, Caddyshack, Dazed and Confused, Animal House, Knocked Up, A Christmas Story, 40 year old virgin, Dodgeball, I love Tommy Boy, Happy Gilmore. The dumber the movie the better the odds that I like it.


Its all about The Deadliest Catch right now and really anything on the Discovery Channel. Grey's Anatomy, The Office, Family Guy!!!! Heroes, Seinfeld, Scrubs, ESPN, Adult Swim, Basically I like everything, I'm not very picky when it comes to TV. And I really love 24!!! Keifer Sutherland rocks my world.


I like James Patterson books And I just read Zodiac which was a cool book. I also love all Al Franken books. Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them is hilarious. Any book about politics I will usually read.


I've realized recently that my Grandma was one of my biggest heroes. Very strong, smart and funny. I hope I am half the person she was some day. I also think my parents are the greatest people ever, very supportive and fun. That is how I want to be in the future.