i like sports,friends, and lots of fun!!! also my car cuz one day it will actually look like a car and i am up for the challengeimg Src=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=blow+movie/v=2/SID=w/l =IVI/SIG=11pkbvgur/EXP=1122592664.r{}
every girl that likes me for who i amimg Src=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dave+chappelle+show/v= 2/SID=w/l=IVI/SIG=12qe5qcc5/EXP=1122592815.r{}
well my favorite band is system of a down but i also like tool, chevelle, disturbed,311,incubus and all kinds of reggae music.... rap is down to many artist out there so ill just leave it at thatimg Src=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=System+Of+A+Down/v=2/S ID=w/TID=I040_85/l=IVI/SIG=12uuv81is/EXP=1113686574.r{}
i like all kinds of movies : action,thrillers and funny shit. Godfather 4 sure,fridaynextafternext funny,halfbaked,superbad,knocked up,and etc.img Src=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=GodFather+the+movie/v= 2/SID=w/TID=I040_85/l=IVI/SIG=12veh8v3e/EXP=1113686717.r{}
i like to watch the 70s show, last man standing,king of hill,sports games w/e..img Src=http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=hugh+hefner/v=2/SID=w/ l=IVI/SIG=126q8m2u9/EXP=1122592949.r{}
n/a at moment nothin current
my favorite comic heroes are the x-men. but my true hero is my grandpa!4 sure! wat u no! "no room for true men to cry" that pimp shit!