There is so much to explore that I've never done before; I wouldn't know.
Anyone captivating and strong enough to tolerate my erratic behavior, visit my world without being afraid to stay in it, and can love my family as I do. What's really real?!?
Can you hear the soundtrack playing in my head??? It's chaos in there..
Sure! But only if you give me popcorn please.
Seldom watch more than cartoons, planet earth, history channel, and travel channel...the rest is toxic and reality shows live outside my door. I secretly watch Charm School.
Time pieces and mystery are fun. Romance is always a good way to remind me of heartbreak. Religion I read in my father's words.
My father who makes me feel it's impossible to fail, my mother who makes me feel like failure is not the end of the world, and my sister who gives me strength to get up and try once more after I've failed. Love you guys!