*******PLEASE READ ALL MY INFO BEFORE CONTACTING ME******** i dont like being asked questions which are answered on my page... GUYS GUYS GUYS, please approach me correct... if you dont know what that means, then don't hit me up at all... if you're going to e-mail me save the lude comments for the chicks on here that are showing all of their bodies on here, cuz i am not... i always thought these "out going" messages were kind of stupid, but i've ran into some problems with me politely refusing some "offers" & having to block these idiots... please, SILLY, this is myspace, i am not on here looking for sex... if your male & still reading this, maybe you do have the balls to hit me up... so PROCEED....and i will proceed...
i'm mexican, 5' 2", very light skin, long straight brown hair, but its dyed some color right now, big brown eyes, long eye lashes, chubby cheeks, dimples, i have 4 tattoos, & my tongue is pierced & i'm a big girl, meaning plus size, chunky, fat, full figure, heavy, voluptuous, chubby, whatever u wanna call it, thats me!
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