Hey, we are the Heavens Basement Groupies! (we are not real groupies, this is just a fan page. The name was chosen as a joke by Kirsty's Mum) We set this page up to show our support and help spread the word about this band, who were formally known as Roadstar and Hurricane Party, but are now known as Heavens Basement.If you want to know anymore about this mad bunch, or the band, then feel free to add us and chat we are friendly really and would love to hear from all you lovely people!!!
If you want to check out their official website it's www.heavensbasement.com
This is Kirsty. She's is the one who started this madness by introducing Amy and Ellen to the legends that are Heavens Basement! Is very proud of the fact that she is Cast Member of the Disney Store and gets to dance to classic tunes at the weekend =D She is a bit ditzy but she is very nice and friendly to everyone and she laughs at almost anything! haha! Likes to rebell against the rules, is a bad influence on Amy (bunking college)
This is Amy the quiet one but she is the most insane out of all of us hehe!! She works at Iceland- oh yeh! Once you get to know her she is always talking, laughing and hiding from the camera. She is the bestest friend ever! Likes to rebell against the rules, is a bad influence on Kirsty(telling her to go home when its raining instead of college)
This is Ellie! She dyes her hair a lot and loves good rock music. She works in WHSmith, so she has to miss a lot of the Heaven's Basement gigs, which is a shame, but she loves them none the less. She's easy to get a long with and loves a good laugh. Is a bit of a sci fi nerd but is lovable with it. And is always good for a chat.
This is Magical George the honoury groupie!! He was initiated into the groupies because he is a legend. He always comes out with really random quotes to calm Amy and Kirsty down whilst rebelling and fighting "Stop fighting children or ill turn this car around." He is currently at University getting up to mischief and has been a great friend of ours this last year!
This is Scott and Natalie. Scott introduced Kirsty to Heavens Basement, so without him this madness would not be our whole lives :)! Natalie his gorgous Fiancee is the newest of our recruits and is already completely mad about the guys and raves about this site! She even brought us Groupie Pants ohh yeh- we are hardcore!
This is Suzanne another new recruit hehe. We have become such great friends these last few months that it doesnt seem right not to initiate her onto our page :). We love meeting up with her and chatting non stop online and now on the phone!! We looove you lots, so welcome to the madness lovely!
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