Kleazer profile picture


About Me


Berthil de Lange - Vocals/Guitar
Steven van Olphen - Drums
Harald de Ruiter - Guitar/Vocals
Jeroen Bosch – Bass guitar

Autumn 2006; four musicians with different musical backgrounds start jamming. Without a specific musical goal but with a shared love for raw rock music with a head and a tail, the four guys decide to approach the project more seriously. The band starts to rehearse regularly and the first self-written songs start to take form and the project gets a name, Kleazer.

March 2007; first try-out gig in Café Kremer in Vroomshoop. The positive response and the band’s own good feeling about this works good and motivating for the band that is now eager to play more shows. This also happens in the summer on several regional festivals, youth centres and pubs. The band grows musically and equally the positive response of the audiences.

End of 2007; after the busy festival season and gig-list the band decides to enter the studio to record a demo for promotional use. The demo - released in early 2008 – receives positive reviews but lacks in energy and rawness, which makes the band appreciated for as a live act.

Spring 2008; April 30th Kleazer plays the finals of “de Grote Prijs van Twenterand” (regional band contest) and wins.

Mid 2008; Kleazer gets selected to play the “Oogst van Overijssel” (a band competition for the province of Overijssel). The band survives the qualifying round. Following on that the band wins the semi finals at Atak in Enschede, which puts the band in the finals of the band competition. Unfortunately the band doesn’t end up in the top 3 at the finals in Hedon in Zwolle.

The experience of the “Oogst van Overijssel” and the unexpected qualification for the finals gives Kleazer a boost and the band is even more motivated to develop and grow. New songs get written a few old ones disappear.

Beginning 2009; Kleazer plays the qualifying rounds of “de Grote Prijs van Twente” in Almelo and plays the finals. The band wins the finals. Kleazer also wins the qualifying round for The Pulse Contest (in Borne) and is going to play the finals of this competition. The band also gets asked to play on Bevrijdingsfestival Zwolle on May 5th. Kleazer will also play at the Geuzenpop festival in Enschede as a result of winning the Grote Prijs van Twente. With this in prospect, Kleazer hopes to have a good and busy 2009…


”…The audience voted massively. Eventually almost half of the votes went to Kleazer from Vroomshoop, who won because of that.” (Typisch Twenterand: Kleazer wint Grote Prijs van Twenterand)

”…the band..s playing is of a high level and they would fit well as a support act for Queens Of The Stone Age” (Juryreport semi finals Oogst van Overijssel)

“…sometimes it happens: suddenly a band climbs the stage, and after four notes everyone knows what the results will be: also this night in Atak where it’s becoming way too hot: When it was Kleazer..s turn to play, everybody knew it, this band is definitely going to the finals.” (VPRO 3voor12, concert review semi finals Oogst van Overijssel Atak Enschede)

“…And than it’s Kleazer..s turn. Fine stoner rock which is well structured, that conclusion is quickly taken. The audience reacts enthusiastic and the band gets better results then its predecessors. It’s a band of high level…” (VPRO 3voor12, concert review Metropool Hengelo)

Some festivals Kleazer played:

- Broekrock (Broekland)
- Lil Hill (Luttenberg)
- Bosrock (Vroomshoop)
- Pedro Pico Pop (Raalte)
- Flashback Live (Vriezenveen)
- Struukenduukersfest (Strand Nulde)
- Twiegrock (Heeten)
- Dieksiepop (Haarle)
- Friends ’n Bands festival (Enschede) 2008
- Bevrijdingsfestival Zwolle 2009
- Doomfest Germany 2009

Some venues Kleazer played:

- Hedon (Zwolle) Finalist Oogst van Overijssel 2008
- Atak (Enschede)
- Walhalla (Deventer)
- Why Don’tcha (Diepenheim)
- The Den (Ommen)
- Het Front (Vroomshoop) Winner Grote Prijs van Twenterand 2008
- Flashback (Vriezenveen) with Swedish stonerrockband Dozer
- Metropool (Hengelo)
- Swingcafé de Docter (Zwolle)
- Theater ZINiN (Nijverdal)
- Café De Stam ( Almelo) Winnaar Grote Prijs van Twente 2009
- Kulturhus (Borne) Finalist The Pulse Contest 2009


- Delta fm Flashback from the Future. (Vroomshoop)
- Podiumzweet. (Enschede)
- Radio 3voor12/Overijssel (Zwolle)
- 3fm Stenders Eetvermaak. (Hilversum)

Check us out!!


Vote for us at www.ongekendtalent.nl

My Interests


Member Since: 17/11/2006
Band Website: www.kleazer.com
Band Members: Berthil de Lange (vocals/guitar)
Steven van Olphen (drums)
Jeroen Bosch (bassguitar)
Harald de Ruiter (guitar/backing vocals)

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +31 (0)6 40 14 35 81 or +31 (0)6 15 39 83 77

: .. : : real editor: best profile tools : <

Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Black Sabbath, The Who, Masters of Reality, Jimi Hendrix, Kyuss, Unida, Q.O.T.S.A, Dozer, Fu Manchu, Brant Bjork, Hermano, Tool, Nirvana, E.O.D.M, Mondo Generator, Fugazi, At the drive-in, Mars Volta, Sixty Watt Shaman, Sonic Youth, Quicksand, Radiohead, Thelonious Monster, The Mushroom River Band, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Modern Life is War, Foo fighters, Mogwai

Uitzending mei Radio 3voor12 Overijssel met interview en live optreden van Kleazer:

Sounds Like: Kleazer.
Record Label: Would be nice!

My Blog

Verslag: Kleazer 4 dagen te gast bij Rob Stenders op 3fm!

Week 33 waren we met zn vieren 4 dagen te gast bij Stenders Eetvermaak op 3fm. Vier dagen lang deden we mee aan het programma onderdeel Indecent Proposal, waarbij we opdrachten moesten uitvoeren ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:26:00 GMT

Kleazer op radio 3fm! (10 t/m 13 augustus)

Vrienden en vriendinnen!In week 33 (10 t/m 13 augustus) is Kleazer te gast bij het radioprogramma Stenders Eetvermaak op 3fm. Dit radioprogramma van Rob Stenders heeft het onderdeel "Indecent Proposal...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 04:53:00 GMT

Kleazer EP out soon!

Dear and beloved people!This summer Kleazer will hit the studio to record some songs again. These will be out on Herrie Records. It's expected to be out this fall (2009)! Stay tuned, it's gonna be goo...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 13:13:00 GMT

Kleazer in de kranten (afgelopen maanden)

Kleazer is de laatste tijd behoorlijk in de regionale media geweest:    Vervolg van bovenstaand artikel:  
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:24:00 GMT

Review 3voor12: Zomeroffensief Atak Enschede met Kleazer!

Druk bezocht Zomeroffensief: een mooi feest met veel talent Offensief luidt met succes de zomer in! 3VOOR12 OVERIJSSEL Tekst: Gracia Visscher. Foto's: Marieke Waalwijk dinsdag 23 juni 2009 23:59 Het i...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:38:00 GMT

Bosrock sfeerverslag op Tubantia website

Bosrock 2009: gemoedelijk, feestelijk en gevarieerdzondag 31 mei 2009 | 11:48 | Laatst bijgewerkt op: woensdag 03 juni 2009 | 17:04  Kleazer uit Vroomshoop, één van de hoogtepunten op Bosrock, met li...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jun 2009 14:44:00 GMT

3voor12 sfeerverslag Bevrijdingsfestival Zwolle 2009 - Oogst Podium

Het weer zat niet mee dit Bevrijdingsfestival. Hadden we meerdere jaren geluk met prachtig weer in Zwolle, dit jaar was er maar liefst 70% kans op neerslag. Desondanks betreedt het publiek gestaag h...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 09:41:00 GMT

Uitgebreid Kleazer artikel in Dagblad Tubantia!

Stonerrockband Kleazer uit Vroomshoop klaar voor doorbraak. zaterdag 14 maart 2009 |  Door: Tom van den Berg Kleazer, stonerrockband uit Vroomshoop, poseert in de oefenruimte. Van links naar rechts Be...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 09:33:00 GMT

Kleazer winnaar Grote Prijs van Twente 2009!

Jongens en meisjes!Jawel gisteren (8 maart) was het zover! De grande finale van de GrotePrijs van Twente! We mochten het gaan "opnemen" tegen 4 andere bands:Iniuria, Judy & The Crackheads, Treatment e...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 10:41:00 GMT

FF update

Zo rockers ff een update hier,Tijdje geleden dat er wat nieuws verscheen van Kleazer.We zijn er ff tussenuit geweest.Harry die 6 weken met zijn meissie door Thailand heeft rond getrokken zonder ook ma...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:45:00 GMT