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About Me

Hey, my name is ashley, I graduated from newfield high school in 2006 and now i go to St. Joseph's College. I plan to some day be an elementary level teacher, either special education or ESL or a special education consultant. I love to dance and i was captain of newfields winning kickline for 3 years. I loved dancing and I continued my passion when i brought back the dance team at Selden Middle School and now im the coach. I love coaching I love those the girlies very much. I am also President of the Dance Club at my college. Its a lot of work but a lot of fun and the girls i get to do it with are amazing! My best friend lives in florida now, but i hope shes moving back home soon cuz i miss her way too much when shes in florida. I have great friends here too! We have been through a lot together, and i know that we are always there for eachother for both laughs and tears! They are also a great group of people to hang out with! My friends and family are the most important things in my life. I love to just spend time with people and hang out ane eat lol. and thats basically me. Although sometimes i question what im doing or how i spend my time, i know that life is way too short to waste and that things always work out for the best. Everything happens for a reason and thats why i dont regret nething and i try to just go with the flow.
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