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About Me

I didn't think it was possible, but I woke up today and looked in the mirror and realized that somehow I had gotten even sexier.
I'm about the most gangsta person you know, have you seen my "thug life" tat?
I love coal.
I love Lager.
I love drag racing.
I love the smell of C-16 & burning tires, check out my sweet vid ;)
I love that I can get Lager all over the place in the Tampa area.
I love the Gulf coast in January.
I love partying with strangers.
I love doubling down.
I love Brazilian BBQ's...well, especially the Brazilians ;)
I love my love it / hate it layout...its gonna be the next big myspace craze.
I love Ybor city, I miss my Cuban brothers...
I love the Waldorf-Astoria, it's so choice...if you're in NYC and have the means, I highly suggest you staying.
I love Happy Tuesdays at The River on 10th and 43rd, if you're in the area, stop and talk to John.
I love txt'ing and calling while out drinking with friends...my apologies to anyone effected by this, ha!
I've also discovered a new love of shooting stuff thanks to an FBI agent, a South Philly shooting range and a Glock .40 - watch out!
I come from Minersville, PA and I'm currently serving time in Manhattan.
I've played blackjack with David Spade, cool guy - shorter than me ;)
I've hung out with Marilyn Manson...even cooler guy and got him on the phone with my friend Scott.

Hey kids...looks like I'll be working in midtown Manhattan for who knows how long now! If anyone's in the area, by all means...let me know.
Apparently I'm blowing up over in Europe and Australia! - check out map!!
I will give NYC a few pluses...lots of good Irish pubs with bar tenders willing to talk about Notre Dame for hours (literally).
No shortage of...ah-hem...talent.
I can travel 8 blocks completely underground when it's raining :)
I love bars with beer pong tables.
I love playing darts, I'm not that good, but I like it.
My co-worker and I saw beetlejuice from the Howard Stern show...getting yelled at by this guy at highnoon for taking his picture....priceless!
I've found Peanut Butter icecream...if anyone is looking.
Believe it or not...even I have some...well...areas that not everyone might like. Hard to believe - but true.
For Example:
I hold grudges...weeks, months...years. Don't get me wrong, I forgive and I can be nice - but I never forget...unless of course it happened during a long night of drinking...hmmm...then I might forget!
Ok, that might be my only fault ;) But it's a good one.
I fall down alot, I could do without that. Unless I'm skiing or racing a car, I swear an uneven sidewalk could throw me for a loop...sad.
I've discovered alot of stuff pisses me off...for example:
Bike riders...that's right, well bicycle riders. Especially when they're all over the damn road...and for some reason most feel they don't have to obey traffic rules! I swear if I could get away with it...well...never mind
Tipping - since when has this become all but mandatory? Crappy service = little tip, not my fault. Good service = big tip :) And it's also not my fault that the servers only make $2.50/hr!!
People who insist on putting on their hazzard flashers in traffic. WTF...no shit - we're ALL going 5mph, turn off your damn flashers
Guys that wear pleated pants...ok, women too. Yikes.
The short sleeve dress shirt, guys...business is never that casual.
The lady at my office that looks like Mimi off Drew Carey show, complete with outfits, makeup and that stupid-ass VW beetle!
Hippies...yet I'm strangely attracted to them...odd.
Have I mentioned bicycle riders?
People writing checks at any store, sure it's only an extra few minutes...but come on - who HAS to use a paper check anymore!?
The 5th dentist who can't just give in and recommend dentyne like the other 4
Iceskating - tried it...it blows
The fact that the Ben Franklin bridge empties INTO the city & to a stop light! WTF...can't be like the other bridges...expressway right to 676/76 with a few exits for CC...
Prius owners...doesn't really seem to apply to other hybrid owners. I get it, gotta drive slower to get the good MPG...but come on - the general population is coming down the road at 65mph and these guys are motoring around at 45-50mph. Buy a diesel - done.
Have I mentioned bicycle riders?
New Jersey
People that stand there with their mouth open. You know the type I'm talking about...their natual state is to stand there with their mouth open
People that complain too much...I don't fit that, do I?!?!
Porsche Boxster owners AND Mustang owners, every one of them wants to race - don't bring a knife to a gun fight ;)
Guys that feel the need to talk to me in the mens room. Hey, if we're both at the sink, I'll let it slide...but otherwise come on, give me a few minutes!
This next one doesn't piss me off...but rather it's funny and I always get a good head-shaking out of it. At any given airport there are usually 2 trams, one goes and the other comes. There's a sign above the inbound tram, "This train next"...but dispite the 200 people standing there waiting, a few folks thing they're gonna outsmart the crowd. Low and behold, the sign was right, that train WAS coming next...*sigh*
People who try to appreciate art TOO much. You know the type I'm talking about, sit there, looking trying to read deeply into something. Completely convinced they understand why the artist painted it that way hundreds of years ago.
Napkins that are in the dispenser backwards. You know what I mean...when they're in backwards you can't really grab them and pull them out!! Not rocket science here, so anyone out there with this job - do us all a favor, take the extra 10seconds to look.
Record low temperatures.
Wind chills.
MySpace pages that take 5 minutes to load even on DSL / Cable. You know who you are...10 videos, 34 pictures, animation, etc - we get it. You've mastered "pimpmyspace" and you want everyone to know it...that and you have no other interests besides adding more stuff to your page. Congrats, oh captain of the pre-made page.
Firestone...that's right, Firestone. Trying to charge me almost $40 to mount and balance EACH tire! Don't hate me just because my ride wants those low profile tires!
Internet stalkers...
Wind. That's right...I'm calling out wind. I'm tired of it. My apologies to all of the wind mill owners - but if there was a way to turn it off...I would.
With Spring in the air...the runners are coming out - fantastic. I never had beef with these people until I've noticed them running on the f'in streets here in NJ. WTF, bad enough I have to watch out for bike riders...now runners?! Go run on the sidewalk.
Snobs, well...people that think they're too cool to hangout with someone else. You don't like someone, fine...but trust me...you're not too cool. Hell, I'll rock a few brews with just about anyone and I'm about the coolest kid I know :)
People who complain about "big business" yet support them. Ever been to Wal-Mart? Ever use Microsoft products? Do you put gas in your car? Why not shop at some mom and pop store? Why not run Linix and Open Office? Why not buy a diesel and refine your own out of waste veggie oil...yeah, so keep quiet. Don't hate the big company.
Bicycle riders...seriously, stay tuned for my next page to finally start a movement to get these people off the road :)
People who creep up at a stop light. Guess what captain, inching up isn't going to make the light change any quicker.
Smokers...yeah, smokers piss me off. The thing that really reminded me of this today was when I was sitting in traffic and could smell a smoker who was in the other lane AND a car ahead of me!! What makes that even more impressive is this happened in NJ...and let's be honest...NJ has it's own smell :)
Whoever is visiting my page from Norway - drop me a message...I have some questions :) Trying to do a Norway trip!
I think in my short time in NYC I've already grown tired of the "tourist". If you're not hustling through the streets stay home - ha!
Days over 90deg's, bleh.
The old guy that ran into me while he decided to jog down the f'in side walk at morning rush hour. I remember you...
People who refuse to see the big picture.
People who refuse to hear and dare I say try to understand both sides before judging.
Man, I could really go on about people who, for some reason, feel the need to "preach" to me...all the while they've either - done the exact same thing or have/had much, much worse habits in their lives. How much time do you have myspace?
I hate rolling cars over, not as much fun as it looks on TV
I hate when trains run slow at night.
I hate stores that have double doors, yet feel the need to lock one of them. I mean really, WTF, why have double doors if you're gonna lock one of them - dumb.
I hate the strong Canadian dollar *sigh* stupid Canada.
I hate Notre Dame going 0-3 so far...damn it...I swear they're doing it just to piss me off.
I hate Winter...and while I don't like the South, I give the win to the Gulf coast of FL. You win this one, Florida...
I hate sushi.
Spring has re-newed my hatred of bicycle riders. I mean, what makes them so special that they feel they can ignore all traffic laws?!
I feel the need to add Starbucks in here again, their recent closing of several hundred stores warms my heart.
To be continued.....

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Already met her...see below :DOn the daily...

My Blog

Bicycle Riders

Ok, for anyone that knows me or reads my rants...you know my hatred for these people.  And yes, I feel the need to devote a blog about it.  Ah, Summer in NYC...fantastic for so many....many ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 20:19:00 GMT