DanQwan Jerome Jenkins FreshLey III profile picture

DanQwan Jerome Jenkins FreshLey III

I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I sWEar to God, i'm probably your HOmeBoy.......and if i'm REAlly not, i wouldN't miNd becOming your HoMeBoy.............. Ya nEver kNOw wheN it's goNNa be neCeSSary to have TruE frIEnds by YOur HIp!! JuSt don't puLL them out and sHOt them. ThaT Can kinda huRT their feeLinGs. BuT who am i? THat's the REal QUestiOn. I fInd it absurD to tHInk that i'm a suM of woRds on the weB, EVEn if i dO wRite the wOrds myselF. i LIke the bIGnEss of it all. I'm a Man conSumeD with the fuNDaMentAls of an aBunDanT life. I woulD quIckly Die for the ChaNCe to LIve..............

My Interests

I Hope You Like Pain - video powered by Metacafe


Yea yeah...we all like EVERyTHing theSes days...but the Question is what do you DO when the BASelinE HitZ?


FreaKing fREak!! i think i'm in Love with ExpENsiVely BAd moVies, and of course the preTTy preTTy moVieS!! THe list goes like: HEro, Snatch, House of FlyingDaggers, Sin City ( i KnOw, i'm a BaD CHrisTian!!), Vanilla sky, Kung Fu HusTle, Hell boy (not rEAlly at all!! that's just a Bad JOKe!!), RiZe.......For the BlaCk StREet dANcer in YOu!


Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 70% The Flash 70% Superman 65% Robin 60% Supergirl 58% Wonder Woman 58% Green Lantern 50% Iron Man 45% Catwoman 40% Batman 30% Hulk 30% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...