Name: Caro
Birthday: 17th January 1987
Current Location: Datteln
Eye Color: green-grey
Hair Color: dark blond
Height: 1,72 m
Job: I´m working at a big independent entertainment company
Hobbies: I love music and concerts and my best friends Svenja and Marita (from Finnland), off couse all my other friends too. I also like traveling (mostly to concerts) and Paris where I´m every summer since the last 5 years. I like to read very much, very long times and at every place. And at the weekend I mostly get drunk and go to discos, where music is playing which I don´t like very much and dance very crazy. That´s fun!! When I´m driving with my car (alone!) I turn the music on (very, very loud) and sing (very, very loud).
Drink: juice, coke
Alcohol Drink: beer, vodka with coke, sex on the beach, 43 with milk
Food: Pasta, Pizza, Köttbullar
Candy: Kinder chocolate
Color: violett, green
Fruits: strawberries
Vegetable: carrots
Animal: ähm... I think I´m not the best friend of animals, maybe I like elks
Attitude of life: Müde, ratlos, ungekämmt (Astra Kid)
(tired, at a loss, unkempt)
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