<megh♥n> profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

[#1] *MeGHaN.LeiiGH.GeNTRy*
[#2] iiMHoTT//PLaiiN&&SiiMPLeE! :]
[#3] my biirth-year iis iin 1990;;
[#4] ii liike to make thiings a biitconfusing? :D
[#5] ii was iinHOPE, then HOMESCHOOl, NOW//
ii go to spriinghiill hiigh, but ii liive iin HOPE♥
[#6] my weiight changes WAY toooften;;
[#7] iim shyy but ii usually have alot on mymiind-
as well as, alot to say//
[#8] ii get BoGGLeMiiNDeD;; easiily!!
[ ¿!? ] are you stiill wiith me? hehe. :]
[#9] ii LoVe A gOoDpArTy.
[#10] anything to have a good tiime!!
[#11] ii ♥♥ love strong boiis!
[#12] my eyes are *iicey* arctiic blue.
[#13] ii like iit when the weather iis justriight
[#14] ii get cold really easiily[&&usually alwaysam.]
[#15] ii liike meetiing NeW people.
[ ! ] *~ToOkNoWmEiiStOoLoVeME!~*
[#16] iim *rEaLlY* easy to talk to.:]
[#17] ii accept almost all of my friiendrequests.
ii read ALL of my MESSAGES&&try to reply to most of them.
[#18] the rainmakes my hair FRiiZz!
[#19] iim *REALLY REALLY* easyto get along wiith!
[#20] ii wear tiight jeans&&shiirt that sho0 maHbELLii. :]
:] ii loove talking on the phone;; :]
a GuY iiN PiiNk
ToTaL wEaKnEsS
OnLy ReAl MeN wEaR PiiNk;;
and ALL of my friends;;
You've got toread this if you wanna know me. =]
Nicknames: Meg, Megz, Crazy Bitch.. What can Isay? Haha.
Siblings: Only child? Lol.
Favorite Color: Baby blue, or HoTTPiiNk.
Pets: 3DoGs,2CaTs//
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius.
Shoesize: 8 1/2.
Righy or Lefty: Righty.
Hair color: Blondeee.
Eye color: Blue.
Hairlength: Right below my SHOLDERRRZZzZZ.
Hair type(straight,curly,wavy): StRAiiGhT iiS tHe Waii TO gO!
Height: 5'4'1/2.
Build: huh??
Tattoos: Playboy Bunny && My name.
Peircings: BELLii RiiNG.
Scars: ...On my foot && knees. What kindaquestion is that?
Style: Preppy/Emo/Goth/Skank// Whose to judge? Not me!
Glasses or Contacts?: ...NEiiTHER dude!
Braces?: umm.. NO?!
What school do you or did you go to: Hope, Homeschooled, now// SPRiiNGHiiLL.
Like it?: Oh yeah.
School mascot: Bearsssssss.
Favoritesubject: ...Lunch? :]
Least favorite subject: Other. tehehe.
Favorite teacher: We'll see!
Leastfavorite teacher: We'll see!
Best friend: HmM, Breana, Caitlin, Jessica,Ashley, Many more!
Funniest: Shelby&&Jessica!
Loudest: ME!~
Shyest: Hmm..Caitlin.
Craziest: ASHLEY&&BRE!!!
Nicest: Kristen!
Bitchiest: Probably me.. haha.
Known the longest: BREANA!!
Smartest: Michele or Caitlin.
Mostathletic: Me&&Cassidy!
Best guy friend: AARON.
Have you ever been in love?: ....whose to say?
How many relationships have youhad?: long term, about 3.
Longest relationship?: 1y6months.
Ever had your heartbroken?: ...AmanyTiiME?
Ever broke someone else's heart?: hOpE nOt!
Are you dating someone rightnow?: .. I really honestly don't know.
How long have you been together?: GOiiNG ON 5 MONTHS.
Do you have any crushes?: anyone crushin onme?
On who?: who has crushes on me? :]
Do they know you like them?: do i know you likeme?
Do they like you?: nO oNe LiiKeS mE// wELlL....?!!~
Perfect guy
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Green//Blue.
Height: 5'9-6'3'.
Weight: 150-185 [somthing that suits thebodytype]
Age: 16-19, depending on if you have a ride.
Piercings: i like! :]
Tattoos: yessiirr!!
Sports: MMHMM!!! MOST DEFINITLY!!! FOOTBALL being main one// && baseballsecond.
Personality orlooks: HoTT&&FiiNe, OnE oF A KiiNd, JuSt My TyPE&&NoT tHeWiiT dA C hEaTiiN GRiiNd!~
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Myspace Survey...Tell All!

Name:: WhO?! MeGhAn GeNtRii. -1DaY, yOuLl SkReAm iiT!
Nicknames:: MeGmEg.
Birthplace:: Hope, Arkansas.
Current Location:: SAME!! AHHHH. x:
HairColor:: Blonde w/ carmel highlights.
Eye Color:: iiM sO iiCEii;; iiCEiiBLUE.
Height:: 5'4' 1/2.
Weight:: 110 - too fat. its like fat build up. haha.
Tatoos?:: Right hip, Playboy bunny+NaMe.
Piercings?:: BELLii && EaRzZ.
Overused Phrase:: CHeAAA!!
Bedtime:: ChEa RiiGht// NoT hApPNiiN.
Best Physical Feature:: MAii SMiiLE! :]
MostEmbarassing Moment:: Staring at a guy and tripped && helaughed.
Most MissedMemory:: MAii DADDY. :[
First Thought When You Wake Up:: OmFg// NoTAgAiiN; WhAt TiiMe iiZ iiT.
Weakness:: Guys w/ great personalities.
Best Friends:: Caitlin, Cassidy, Nikki, Mandy, LOTS MORE.
Goal For The Year:: LoSe WEIGHT!!AbOuT 10 BiiG lBzZ!
GreatestFears:: KlOwNz && ThE bUgGii MaNe.
--This OrThat--
Pepsi orCoke...: Dr Pepper.
McDonalds or Burger King...: SuBwAe && TaCoBeLL;;
Hot Tea or IceTea...: SuGaR && iiCe, please!
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Chocolate,baby.
Water or Milk...: eww..
Coffee or HotChocolate...: CoCoA.
Hugs or Kisses...: 1 HuG, 2 KiiSsEsS.
Cats or Dogs...: KiiTiiEsS.
Summer orWinter...: SUMMER.
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: HORRORFLiiCK CHiiCK!!
Love orMoney...: LiiL BiiTTa BoTh NeVeR hUrT nObOdii.
Green Grapes or PurpleGrapes...: PuRpLe.
Perferred Eye Color:: Doesn't matter. - A lightcolor.
Perferred HairColor:: Dark, but depends on the male.
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Again,depends. But more than likely, short.
Perferred Height:: Taller than 5'6', not tallerthan 6'3'.
Looks or Personality...: Again, Lil bitta both never hurt NOBODii.
Hot or Cute...: HOTT. [all the way.]
Skinny...Muscular...orFat...: Muscular;; Tone;;
Number:: 06
Food:: HoT ChEeToS.
Type of Music:: RAP. [GhEtToGiiRL]
Candy:: Something sour && gummy. :]
Color:: BABY BLUE or HOTT PiiNK.
Animal:: KiiTiiEsS.
Drink:: Red Bull// Dr Pepper.
Body Part on the OppositeSex:: The -V- on the tummy thing. [To Die For]
Movie:: Donnie Darko.
PastTime:: NaH, nOt ReAlLy AnY.
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: YePpeRzZ.
Smoked?: OhH YEAH!
BeenBeaten Up?: OoH, NoOH!
Bullied Someone?: WeLl NaH;; NoT ToO bAdD.
Skinny Dipped?: LeTs TrY iiT!
PlayedSpin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: -SPiiN tHa BoTtTlLE-
Toliet Papered SomeonesHouse?: HAHA, ThaTd Be SoO FuN!
Played Poker W/ Money?: DuNnOhOw~
Gone Swimming In A WhiteT-Shirt?: LOL..Huh?? :]
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: YESSSS.
Been Tickled So Bad That YouCouldnt Talk?: Lol.. uh yeah.
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: AlL tHa TiiMeE.
WentCamping?: NoT toO lOnG aGo, MaTtEr Of FACT.
Used The Restroom On ATree?: Um, no.
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: ONLY CHiiLD [SPOiiLD ALLERT!!!]
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: YuPp, YuPp!!
Walked InThe Rain W/out An Umbrella?: YeSsUmMsS.
Danced In The Rain?: Oh Yeah && SnOw!
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: NeVeR, eVeR.
Been OnStage?: ALL DA TiiME!~
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: OhYeah! HA. :] Love ya, Mom.
BeenTo A Nude Beach?: NoO.
Cursed In Church?: nAa.
Been Called A Whore/Slut For KissingSomeone?: FUCK THEM HATERS MAN!!!
Burnt Yourself?: NOooOoo!!!!!!!
Been Dumped?: Yeah. :[
DumpedSomeone?: Unfortunatly..
Been In Love?: Unfortunatly, again. xP
Been Hit On Someone ToOld?: Haha, ewww;; YEAH.
Wanted To Be A Model?: I AM A MODEL watchutalkin about, haha. j/k.
Wanted To BeIn The Olmpics?: I used to be on PreTeam in SAGA. :]`Gymnastics`
Bought LotteryTickets?: OHH, GO ME && DREW!! HECK YEAH. WE WON 40BUXX.
Made Out In A Car?: WhAt Do YOU tHiiNk?!!
Cried During A Movie?: KiiNG KONG;; HAHA! w/Daddy in Texarkana.
WantedSomething You Couldnt Have?: Yeah.
Made Love On The Beach?: NoOh.
Shoplifted?: WhOsE AsKiiNg??!
Seen Someone Shoplift?: Again.
Hung Up On Someone?: HAHA. Oh yeah.
YelledAt Your Pet?: NoOo, ii LOVE KiiTTii.
Gotten Seasick?: NoPeRzZ.
Tried ToStrip When Drunk?: NooOpErRZzZ.
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: Haha;; NiiCe iiDeA!!!
Stalked Someone?: iiN sToReS fOr FuN!
Had A Stalker?: OoH yEaH;;
Played APrank On Someone And Scared Them?: Haha, All The Time!
Been Embarrassed By Someone InYour Family?: NaA.
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: OoO nOo, iiMAFATTY.
Protested?: HuH??!
Been To AnIsland?: PsH, ii WiiSh.
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: ALWAYS && ThAtS wHy iiM a BiiG COW!!
Screamed In A Library?: NeVeR.
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: NoOPEeE. NoTtA H0o0.
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: PrObAbLy!
Wished APart Of You Was Different?: AlWaYzZ. ii WaNt To StOp bEiiN aBiiTcH;; BUT iiTS ME.
Talked To AComplete Stranger?: oH yEaH;; yOo GoTtA lEaRn To PiiMp OnThEm hOeS.
Been Sunburned So BadYou Blistered?: YES! :[ PoOr LiiL lObsTa MeGg.
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: NOO && ii DoNt WaNnA hAvE tO.
Threw Up In School?: On ThE bUsS wHeN ii WaSyOuNgEr.
Recieved A Love LetterThat Wasnt Signed?: PrObAbLy.
Wore Something You Hated?: NeVeR.
WoreSomething To Match Someone?: HaHa, iiN 1 oF mYrElATiiOnsHiiPs;; hE wAnTeD 2 mAtCh Me.
Been To A Luau?: ii WiiSh. iiNViiTE ME!! :]
Cursed Infront Of YourParents?: AcCiiDeNtS, AcCiiDeNtSs.
Been On TV?: YuPp, YuPp. [LoCaLcHaNeLs] HAHA.
Been Outta TheCountry?: ii WaNt To.
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: ii WAS BENT OVER TiiEiiNG MY SHOE ON THE SiiDE OF MAiiN STREET.LOL!
Won A Pool Game?: mAyBe On YaHoO pOoL;; LOL~!
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: NOOooOoOoH!
Went ToSchool/ Work Drunk?: ....Not happenin. ;]
Dieted?: tRiiEd.
Had An Eating Disorder?: wHeRe ii DoNt eAt? nO cOmMeNt! :o
Cheated On Your Other?: been cheated onshould have been asked first.
BeenCheated On?: but, yes.
Been Paid To Date Someone?: HAHA, YEAH!! :]Got that money, quick.
DatedSomeone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: Not that I knowof, and better not.
TannedTopless?: OhH yEaH, nAkEii AlL tHa TiiMe!
Been Strip Searched?: ii WiiSh.HAHA, KiiDDiiNG.
Been On APlane?: oN a LiiTTlE oNe.
Been On A Cruise?: NoPeRZz.
Been Pantsed In Public?: YES!!!! :x
Thrown YourShoe At Someone?: HAHA, yeAh.
Broke Someone's Heart?: oOh iiHoPe NoT.
Sung In TheShower?: AlWaYzZ.
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: ShOeS;;
Done Something Stupid And LaughedAt Yourself?: FeLl DoWn?
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: PrObAbLy.
BeenWalked In On While Showering?: NoOpErZ.
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz YouGot Scared?: UmM, nO.
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: lOl, NoO.
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart PlaceCuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: UmM..NO?
Been In Detention?: YeAh. HaHa.
Feel Off ARoof?: JuMpT oFf OnTo My TrAmPoLiiNe.
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/Someone?: AwW, AlWaYzZ.
Been In A Wreck?: NoO!
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: ALMOST!!
MadeYourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: iiTsSpElLeD pUkE.
Threatened SomeoneW/ A Water Gun?: lOl, nO;; oNlY rEaL dEaL 4 Me, kThNxXx.
Been Shot?: NoO.
Had A Water GunWar?: YeA.
Been Arrested?: KiiNdA.
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: AlWaYzZ.
Country YouWanna Visit:: aUsTrAiiLiiA.
Way You Wanna Die:: iiN mA sLeEp.
Like Thunderstorms?: OoO yEaH.
Get AlongW/ Your Parents?: SoMeTiiMeS.
R U A Health Freak?: NaA, nOt ToObAd;;
U Think UrAttractive?: WeLl, ArEnT ii? :]
Do You Believe In Yourself?: DePeNdZ.
Wanna GetMarried?: DeFiiNaTlY.
Wanna Go To College?: Oh YeS!
Shower Daily?: SoMeTiiMeS tWiiCe A dAii.
Want Kids?: OnLy OnE bOy, oR tWo GiiRlS.
When Do U Wanna Lose YourVirginity?: mArRiiAgE.
Do U Hate Anyone?: NoPe.
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: MmM, cAn -YOU?-
DoYou Think You Can Sing?: sOmEtiiMeS.
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: YeAh.
Eat WhateverAnd Not Worry?: NOO!!!!!
Can You Whistle?: KiiNdA, nOt ReAlLy.
Can You Walk In HighHeels?: SoMeTiiMeS.
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: NoO.
Do You Like Super SpicyFoods?: NoT rEaLlY.
Can You Multitask?: DePeNDzZ.
Touch Your Nose W/ YourTongue?: ii CaN tOuCh Ma LiiPzZ tO mA nOsE.
Can You Fit In YourLocker?: My LoCkEr iiS hAlF mY hEiiGhT.
Do You Spit?: LOL;; cOmE AgAiiN?
Can You Taste The DifferenceBetween Pepsi And Coke?: EWwWw! NO!
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would YouWish?: To HaVe A gReAt FuTuRe!
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: AeRoPoStAlE.
WhatKind Of Soap Do You Use?: DoVe mOiiStUrE;;
What's Your FavoriteScent?: VaNiiLlA sUgAr.
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: iiUnNo?!
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*Im So Sick Of Love Songs;;

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*Im So Sick Of Love Songs;;

what i want?
everyone wants to know what -I- want?!

*HAH! A pEiiCeE oF tHa ReAl sHiiT!*ambercrombie&&hollister boy.
nice body
beautiful smile
great personality
one girl, kinda man
sweet && nice
accually has feelings
has a letter jacket i can wear
doesn't want to 'rush it'
doesn't mind if im slow at everything
dresses up all the time
doesn't change his attitude after a few weeks
likes me for me
i like light colored eyes&&dark hair
but im not here to judge.
[lots more, but you get the picture]

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