i love paige. she puts the hair in chair.
one of the things i like to do is drive around in paiges shitty/coolest car in the world. it brings me great pleasure/enjoyment/fufillment to my life. many things happen on our road trips. for example- near death experiences come to near. been kicked out of the car multiple times. paiges road rage comes as a threat to anyone on the roads.i love heatheri live for a CHIP and a drop of gravey. thats all thats left after the fatty is done with it. recess and lunch become the highlight of my day. because of that awseome canteen food.
i love F.R.I.E.N.D.S. thanks joey. rachel. monica. ross, chandler. and phoebe. couldnt of done it without you.
i love you boris, u have always been there for me. throughout those days i was unable to dig that hole, u were always there to speak those inspirational words. bark bark
once apon a time. it was a sunny day, not to sunny but sunny enough, with a light breeze just cool enough but not to cool blowing through the air. i was walking accross a country side. luscious green grass, and a patch of daisys. i stopped to marvell at the splended view i had just come aopn. when in the distance i heard a faint cry. it was getting louder, i decided to divert my gaize in the direction. it came to my attention that it was a horse. it neighed at me. we becaome best friends. i love him.beef and gravey rolls= lunchtime awseomness
coolest people in the world:
Poodge mac = coolest man in the world. she puts the beef in beef and garvey rolls. she is like a brother to me. the time we spend together will be remembered throught our life. the many tequila days that we have spent toegther. followd by vodka nights, followed by the morning afta chat with a large packet of chips...mmm
we are sick together, drink together, live togetehr, poop together, beach/sport togather, sit in been bag chairs together.. we lov sitting in exams admiring the scenery outside . e.g the lawn mower going passed. and clouds " supposobly moving" WOW!
human biol which we use as an art lesson. bushy u know where we are comming from. raah
i love u pooodge. u r my roasted chicken pie ( with gravey )
ERIN SCANLAN- raaad man . my 2nd brother with hair oh so long. how does she grow it? she puts the gravey in our beef and gravey rolls!!. she enjoys becomeing overally drunk and spewing it all up. one day she may become as cool as us... some day.
i love you
SALLY KAPLER- my sister. she completes me. i like her hair. she puts the 'and' in beef and gravey rolls.
i love her.these are my people. we are men.
FISH FISH- this kid is actually my sister, we are related. we r twins. we r the same-except im cooler ( obviously)
STROODS-where would i be without this italian kid???PECK- we are the coolest group. if u have ever walked from eaton to bunbury, then u can be part of our group. ( Paige, Erin, Casey. and Keiran. together we make up PECK.
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